29 - Ali

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I was so damn certain of the words until I actually uttered them and now Harvey, the wonderful, polite to a fault, gorgeous, safe and certain guy I'm massively crushing on is now sitting in front of me and it's like asking him that question has just caused his brain to cease functioning. He has literally lost his ability to can right now. I want to kiss him. But after him saying all that about not asking me if he could kiss me on the cheek... it seemed a little rude if I didn't at least ask before going that one step further. When he doesn't answer for a substantial amount of time, I try and downplay everything in a massive backpedal.

"I mean, you don't have to. It's cool. I just... I don't know, let's forget about it."


"It's fine honestly, I'm just being ridiculous"

"Ali, wait"

"Let's just watch Two Towers and forge-"

I didn't actually realise he had been leaning towards me until he cups my face with his rough hands and makes me look at him right in those goddamn amazing eyes like honey and caramel and whisky and old amber and citrine. I cannot get over those eyes and at this point, I honestly do not want to. Ryan Reynolds could walk in this room buck-ass naked right now and I wouldn't even notice... okay, that might be a little too far but you get the picture.

"Yes. I want you to kiss me" he says and he smiles and, with his hands sliding back to hold the back of my head and neck as I move forward, I kiss him. Properly. Lips on lips. He's so hesitant at first but then he moves with it and we're kissing. We're kissing and his hands are running up into my hair and down my back and mine are doing the same and there's like an electric current flying around us and I feel his tongue sliding across mine and hear him growl slightly into my mouth and I kind of just melt against him and we fall back onto the sofa, me on top of him and making out and fuck I can't believe we haven't done this before now. But kissing Harvey is something euphoric and it's like fireworks going off all around us. I feel his hand sneak up under my hoodie and press against the small of my back. My hands are in his hair and I'm smiling against his lips.

After a while - it could have been minutes or hours - we stop and take hungry breaths. Our foreheads are pressed together and in the harsh TV light we are just looking at each other and smiling. I kiss him again, a little gentler this time and he reciprocates. His fingers are drawing circles round the dimples at the base of my spine and it feels fucking amazing. I do eventually, and very reluctantly, shuffle back so he can sit up and gather himself.

"Okay... that was uhh... words... words are hard" he says with a breathless chuckle. I match it because... yeah I don't have a way to accurately describe how brilliant that was. My brain is short-circuiting.

"Yeah... I know what you mean... that was... incredible"

"Yeah... it was"

"Glad you agree" I say, giggling again. He smiles and falls back onto the sofa.

"I just... I've never uhh..."
"Made out with a guy before?"

"Yeah.. I mean not properly. There was one time at a party. But that was very much a drunk straight guy and neither of us knew what we were doing. I didn't particularly enjoy it."

"I'm sorry" I say and kind of just automatically hug him and he just softens into it.


As he moves out of the hug, Harvey just catches me by the chin and kisses me again and I can't help but chuckle and smile and kiss him back. My hands come up to cup his face and the feel of his stubble against my hands is like a lit match being dropped in kerosene. I want to kiss him all night. And I probably could. But we do eventually stop again and smile, just resting forehead to forehead. I feel him sigh in contentment and the next thing I know, he's swivelled me round and is pulling me into him so I'm just sat between his legs and he's got his arms fastened around my body and he's resting his head on my shoulder and this... yeah, this feels pretty perfect.

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