24 - Harvey

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I honestly don't know what possessed me. Why did I do that? That was so stupid. Why. Did. I. Do. That? Fuck. Fuckity fuck fuck fuck. And then I just waved at him as I went inside. Like I didn't just swoop in like a goddamn falcon on a pigeon and kiss him. Okay, yeah. It was only on the cheek and I am probably, definitely, doing the thing where I make things a lot more meaningful in my head. But the fact that I felt the heat rush across my whole body when I did it... yeah, that was just the confirmation that I really liked Ali. And going on another date? Hell, I would have gone tonight if he asked.

I head back up to the flat and go to make myself a cup of tea. That just feels like the right thing to do. A couple of my flatmates are there. Ryan is talking to some girl I've not seen before while they are sitting by the coffee table. He shoots me a look as I walk in but he can just deal with it. The other two are Nia and Anwar.

Nia is studying Drama and English Literature while Anwar is studying Music. They both hang out a lot from what I've seen. Nia is curvy and just a shade under six foot tall. She's always wearing really vibrantly coloured mumu's and matches her nails to them. She has a rich, infectious laugh and her hair is neatly coiffed. Anwar is kind of her opposite. He's skinny and has kind of a default short back and sides and then runs wax through the top of his hair to spike it. He dresses in a fairly monotone way and somehow his glasses never quite stay on straight so they always look like they're slightly broken. I've heard them together from my room before - either Nia rehearsing lines or Anwar practising the violin.

They both say hi as I come in and I say hi back. While I wait for the kettle to boil, I turn and talk with them. I don't talk to my flatmates much but... I guess I just don't want to seem unfriendly.

"So how's you?" I deliberately address Nia and Anwar, pretending like Ryan isn't there. Anwar just shrugs.

"So so. My sister keeps checking in on me. Making sure I'm okay. Other than that there's not much to tell" he says as he leans back on the chair pushing the front legs up into the air and balancing delicately. Nia swats his elbow and makes him sit forward.

"You will fall back and break your head open one day" she warns him, pointing a bedazzled and bright purple nailed finger at him. He rolls his eyes and I smirk a little before turning to her.

"What about you?"

"Things are going good. First assessments are gonna be coming up soon so it's keeping me on my toes."

"Is that what you were rehearsing the other day?"

"Much Ado About Nothing. Lady Disdain" she nods enthusiastically. The kettle finishes boiling.

"Either of you want?"

They both ask for a cuppa as well so I make enough for everyone and bring the mugs to the table with a small tin I keep in my locked cupboard full of oat cookies which I offer.

"Wow... these are amazing. Where did you get these?" Nia asks.

"I uh... I made them"

"Didn't take you for a baker" Anwar admits as he takes one and when he bites into it I swear he actually has a mini orgasm. I smile and sip my tea.

"So what brings you out of your man cave?" Nia asks, sitting back with her mug and crossing her left leg over her right. My turn to just kind of shrug.

"Just got back from a date and feeling... I don't know."

"So it went bad?" Anwar prompts. I shake my head.

"No, it was really good! We just kept it simple and went to see a movie and then went and got food after."

"You're still back pretty late after just doing that... or are you keeping the spicy details to yourself?" Anwar cackles while nudging my arm. Nia just tuts at him and rolls her eyes.

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