62 - Harvey

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Okay, I hadn't been intending to do anything but fluster Ali the way he had been doing so with what he kept sending me all week but I would be lying if I said the resulting call wasn't fun. When we finally got off the phone, it was nearly two in the morning and I just couldn't sleep. I was dreading the day. Dreading lunch and family and small talk about when I'm going to get a girlfriend and having to listen to all the shit my parents will say. I wish I was with Ali right now. I would give anything to see him, hold him and just... be next to him right now. I feel like I am going to come apart at the seams.

I grab my headphones and put on a playlist Ali had sent me that he'd been compiling of songs that remind him of us. I smile when I see the first song is First Day Of My Life... the song Ali sang for me the first time he said he loved me. I sigh and settle back down in bed as the guitar starts and close my eyes. I can see Ali playing, sitting on his bed, his tongue poking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration. I quickly pick up my phone and text him.

Merry Christmas. I love you.


The night seems to evaporate beneath me. Before I know it, my alarm is going off and I'm blinking what little sleep I got out of my eyes. I get up and grab my laptop to switch on, immediately going back to watching whatever true crime murder files thing I had been binge-watching for the last two days. Weirdly, it's been the only thing keeping me sane. About halfway through the episode, I get a call from Ali and nearly send my phone flying across the room in the rush to answer.

"Hello?" I say frantically as I accept the call.

"Hey, babe. Merry Christmas. I love you" Ali sounds so tired and drawn. I hear a slight woof in the background and just know Athena is led next to him.

"I love you too. How come you're awake so early?"

"Was worrying about you. And Athena has very quickly gotten accustomed to you being awake early and now which is rude and-" another woof cuts him off "hey I'm talking to your other dad about you waking me up at stupid times in the morning now so- agh, no licking!"

I start giggling. It feels so good hearing his voice. And hearing Athena. Which still surprises me even now. I want to bring them out to the lake and take her for a walk one day. When it isn't completely freezing outside. Eventually she stops trying to slobber on Ali's face and he can focus on the call.

"Now she's stopped attacking me, how are you feeling about today?"

"I don't know" I sigh "not good I honestly don't know if she is going to say anything. And I honestly don't think I care if she does."


"No. We aren't discussing it. I am done putting myself second to everyone else. I want this, I want you. I'm not going to mollify her."

"You know better than anyone she is probably going to try something and it sucks I can't do anything to help. I love you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"Ali... I really can't stress how much I love you. If anything happens, if she tries anything, I'll beat her to the punch if I can."

"But you've said that you can't come out to them..."

"I know. I know, I just... I refuse to let her ruin this. I know that I love you and it feels good. It feels right."

"Okay... how about we make a plan?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"So, I'll talk to mum before we start cooking and make sure she'll be okay with me skipping out halfway through lunch if needed. But if your demonic bitch of a sister does anything to out you, text me. Just your address and the words 'Vatican Cameos' then pack your stuff up. I'll come over with Athena so no one tries shit because who the fuck is going to mess with a sassy twink with a dog that size? We will pick you up and take you back home. And you'll stay with us 'til term the semester picks up again."

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