63 - Ali

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 I was really hoping I wasn't going to get any sort of message from Harvey today. I was praying to every single deity possible that he was going to have no issues and get back here to me and we could just be us and relax again. But of course the universe decided to shit all over that plan. We had just finished giving Athena a walk and got back in when I got the text. And I was so fucking angry that I just went silent. I showed mum the text and I swear she actually looked more pissed than I did which, as Queen Gaga is my witness, I have never seen her that mad before.

"Get my keys. I'm driving" was all she said to me.

Fuck yes, Sharon. Supermum to the rescue. I get her keys and we head back out as I text Harvey back as I give her the address to punch into the satnav.

On my way. I love you


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