23 - Ali

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I am the biggest idiot in the history of idiots.

Here was Harvey, a gorgeous and amazing guy who likes me, admitting he has a fear of dogs. So what did I do? Introduce him to Athena - an absolute unit of a Rottie who looks terrifying to anyone who doesn't know her. And then I try and encourage him into handling her because... why? Did I think I was going to help him get over his fear just like? With a snap of my fingers? God I suck. I wouldn't blame him for leaving and getting the train home. But he stays with us. I take Athena's leash and we cross the road into the biggest field and Harvey is holding my hand again. He's still trembling slightly but I keep tracing my thumb along his skin and I walk just a little closer to him and he gives me a smile to let me know that he is okay for now.

After walking for a little bit, I retrieve the ball from my bag and let Athena off her leash. I throw it a little half-heartedly but she happily trots off after it. As she gets her exercise, I pull the blanket out again so me and Harvey can sit down. He seems to unwind a little and start relaxing. We start up small talk about everything and nothing and he properly relaxes and lies back. At some point, Athena gets tired of chasing the ball and flops down on the blanket next to me and inadvertently pushing me closer to Harvey. He looks up at me smiling and just shifts so he can rest his head against my leg and my hand is in his and trapped against his chest and it's like my heart has started beating out a samba. But this moment is just... pretty perfect.

It's one of the few times I've seen him without a beanie. Without even really thinking, my free hand just wanders into Harvey's hair and just absently playing with it. I hear him hum contentedly and kind of nestle down into me and I have to stifle a giggle because holy shit that was so cute! We just... stay there in that moment for what feels like both no time at all and a blissful eternity. It's only the cold creeping in and the dying light that tells me it's probably home time. Athena is starting to grumble a little and I nod at her. I look down and... Harvey is snoring softly. He's actually fallen asleep on me. His arms were crossed, still capturing my hand so I couldn't move away. As if I would want to. Every instinct in me wants to find a way to lean down and kiss him.

But I don't. Instead I jostle him awake as gently as I can.

"Hey, sleepyhead. We should get going."

"Hmm? Wha- what time is it?" Harvey asks as he sits up sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

"Uhh" I check my phone "It's past eight. The sun sets quicker and quicker every time autumn rolls around, I swear."

"Sorry I fell asleep on you... were you playing with my hair?"
"Uh... yeah... sorry. I shouldn't have assumed that was okay."

"It's fine. At least you know it basically knocks me out now" he says with a chuckle and I blush like a little schoolkid.

"You want me to drop you off on the way back?" I ask as we start packing up. Harvey reaches for Athena's ball and she immediately is paying attention, head craning up like she's just morphed into a meerkat. He fakes a throw and she's on her feet. On the second go, he cranks back and launches it and she goes bounding after it. Great... we're gonna be here a little longer. But seeing Athena come running back and go and drop the ball for Harvey, waiting patiently and Harvey actually eager to throw it further this time, which he does. I look at him a little quizzically.

"Okay, I know you're bigger than me but I didn't expect you to have a cannon for an arm. You hiding some super secret athletics background from me?" I joke. Harvey just blushes.

"I played Rugby in school and I tend to go to the gym a fair amount because it helps with this" he says, tapping the side of his head. I get what he means.

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