2 - Harvey

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Look I don't know what I was thinking, okay?

I just moved into the city after spending way too long in the middle of nowhere... okay it wasn't really the middle of nowhere but I didn't exactly enjoy living in small town farmland among a bunch of small minded farmers.... well, farmers and schoolteachers and kind of every single west country conservative stereotype you can think of. But this? Yeah, this is basically a nightmare. I'm at uni for all of a week and I download Tinder and this guy pops up and he looks gorgeous and he wanted to go on a date... and now here we are, sat in this restaurant (which honestly I thought was really nice but he seems to think he's slumming it) and he has barely looked away from his phone. Unless he gets to talk about himself. Yeah, this? This is what we call a disaster.

Gods this is so awkward. I am trying to seem polite and like I'm listening but he's just so shallow and rude! The way he treated that waiter was appalling! And honestly... the waiter would probably be a better date! His smile is so nice and... ugh, can he stop taking selfies for five goddamned minutes. Great, I'm on a date with an asshole and all I can think of is how quickly I can get out of here and the cute guy that served us.

Why. Am. I. So. Completely. Hopeless?

Fortunately since he's so consumed with himself, I've managed to keep getting distracted by that waiter. He's hot. Maybe a couple inches taller than me. Really warm eyes. A pretty deep green that you can get lost in like they're forests. Blond hair that he keeps swept to the side. Thinking about it... did he have a moment when he served us? He definitely paused for a hot second. Did he think he recognised me from somewhere? Nah that can't be right. Maybe I just look like someone he knows.

The food is good here. I swear this guy... what was his name again? Dylan! Surprised he doesn't have a tattoo of it since he loves himself so much. The way he just snorted derisively when I ordered kinda just sealed the deal on how much I do not like him. Not that he has much to say. He has hardly touched what he ordered and is on his second cocktail so clearly not interested in actually having a meal with someone either. I sigh and try to check the time without making it obvious. The disgusted sound that gargled out of Dylan tells me that he noticed. Gods, what is his problem? You've barely acknowledged my existence and now you are judging me for wanting to leave? Asshole.

I look round and the cute waiter comes in from the back, following the bartender. Guess they just had a quick break. He glances over and I smile at him. Maybe I can get him to cut us the check so I can get out of dodge. But it seems Dylan has the same idea.

"Uh excuse me? Can we get the bill already?" he screeches in that thin, reedy voice he has. I cringe and mouth an apology to the waiter who looks like he is barely containing the urge to roll his eyes, respond in kind or more likely doing both. He gets the bill printed and brings it over and leaves quickly to get a card reader. Dylan slides the bill over to me and I just give a "bitch are you serious" look.

"Well you're paying right?" Dylan says expectantly and I honestly cannot believe the audacity of this man.

"No. We're paying for our own meals. If you'd maybe said more than two words to me about something other than yourself then I would think twice about it."

"Ugh why are you being so bitchy about this? I did you a favour going out with you!"

"Are you... are you actually serious right now?"

"Ugh whatever. Hey! Card reader! Now!"

"Oh my god, were you raised in a goddamned cave? Stop being so rude."

"Oh fuck you I'm done"

And with that he just up and leaves leaving me with the bill and I'm now painfully aware that everyone in the restaurant is staring at me now that he's gone... and I'm shaking and I can feel them watching me and I kinda want to cry right now. I can feel my fists bunching tight and pressing into my thighs as I hunch forward just wanting the ground to swallow me. Which is when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn my head to the side and the waiter is there, crouched down beside my chair.

"You okay?"


Okay, this is not what I was expecting... now what do I do?

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