56 - Harvey

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A couple weeks pass by before the day of the Winter Ball. And there was some genuine surprise from a few of our friends that we weren't going but it felt right that it was going to be just us. Ali badgered me every day to tell him where we were going but I didn't. He did make me promise we would split the bill so I let him have that at least. I spend a lot of the next couple weeks catching up on coursework and also making sure Ali doesn't spontaneously combust while editing. We kind of just fall into this sweet routine of staying with each other most nights to do uni work and then heading to campus the next day together. I try not to be at the restaurant every time he works since it's loud and distracting but I also needed to save on eating out until our date. And I swear it is like being tortured having to wait for Ali's shifts to finish... I am very much a hopeless human being and being this unequivocally in love with someone just amplifies that apparently.

But we get by and just about manage to get the work we have outstanding done despite being completely distracting to each other for a variety of reasons. And when everyone else is getting ready and heading off to the Winter Ball, I get dressed. I even ordered a matching pair of trousers and a waistcoat for tonight. Once I'm ready and satisfied I don't look completely weird (mainly thanks to Nia and Anwar telling me I looked amazing) I head into town, making sure I grab my long neglected umbrella from my wardrobe because it does not look friendly out there and I would rather not turn up looking absolutely drowned.

I text Ali where to meet me and the response I get is a series of about a dozen texts of him having a moment of what can only be described as gay overload. I laugh to myself while I wait out front for him. It doesn't take long and he practically launches himself at me before I am really ready and we nearly end up in a pile on the floor in the middle of Bath, which would not be a good look.

"I cannot believe that you booked us a table here. Like, I know you love me but damn, babe this is amazing!"

"Oh come on, it's not that big of a deal."

"Yes it is! I've been wanting to come here for years but me and mum could never really justify it, y'know?"

"I know. Which is why I wanted to book us a table."

"I love you, you know that?"

"I know. I love you too."

He kisses me and I smile into it as we head into The Ivy.

It's actually quite quiet compared to what I was expecting. And I was honestly anticipating it being rammed and noisy. We get shown to our table and get some drinks on order. I get a Peach Iced Tea mocktail and Ali, somewhat surprisingly, has the same. I give him a quizzical look when the waiter leaves.

"What?" he asks.

"I don't know, I guess I just figured you would want a proper drink."

"You saying mocktails aren't proper drinks?"

"Hey, no. I just-"

"It's okay, Harvey. I know what you mean" he smiles and reaches across to hold my hand and squeeze "I honestly just don't feel like drinking at the moment."

"Okay fair enough"

We make small talk for a bit as we look at the menus and what we want to have. Ali guesses I am going to have the burger and I fully intend to shock him by not doing that (even though it is sorely tempting. Come on, who doesn't love a burger?)

"Do we want to do starters? Is that gonna be too much?" Ali frets and it's my turn to do the comforting hand squeeze.

"Ali... you know I will cover the bill if you're worried about money. I don't mind."

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