21 - Ali

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Why did we take so long to agree to do this? At this point it's been just over a month of us hanging out. And in that time the pair of us had apparently been sat there pining after the other and yet utterly fucking petrified of actually going on a date. I can see why after Harvey's first experience with dating a guy but what was my excuse? All that anxiety I had over this has just evaporated as we walk through town towards the Odeon, holding hands. Just feeling his fingers laced through mine and I cannot help but grin like an absolute lunatic because I'm going on a date. And thinking about it... it's my first date ever. That one relationship definitely wasn't dating. Hell, it wasn't even really a relationship. He just used me when he felt like making out with a guy and other than that treated me like I was invisible. But now I was holding hands with Harvey and I could feel the warmth of him and the slight roughness of his hands and it felt amazing. Every time I turn to look at him he is smiling too. It's like a huge weight has been lifted off both our shoulders.

As we're walking through town, I see Dee crossing the street and I know she sees us but she doesn't say anything or try to intercept us. A familiar buzzing in my pocket a couple seconds later pretty much confirms it. I check the message and it just says GET IT GURL!!!!!

I chuckle and send her back an orange heart before putting my phone back as we arrive outside the cinema. As we head into the foyer, Harvey lets go of my hand and I just look at him a bit quizzically. I pretty much didn't want to let go of his hand for the rest of the day. He blushes a little and looks a little sheepish.

"Sorry, my palm was getting sweaty and I thought it might be a bit gross" he explains, looking down as if I was going to judge him for it. I just walk round to the other side of him and immediately grasp his other hand, smiling at him.

"Good thing we both got two hands huh?" I say and he just grins wide and blushes again, letting out a little breathy chuckle.

"Yeah true. So you got any ideas what to watch?"

"Hmm... depends. How good are you with horror?"

"Not... great, to be honest."

"That's okay! What about the new Thor film?"

"Mm... gonna be honest, not a fan of MCU."

"I thought you were supposed to be a connoisseur of film."

"I am."

"Wow, that's rude. I came out here to have a good time and I am honestly feeling so attacked right now."

"Ooh, what about Where The Crawdads Sing?"

"Uhh... don't know anything about it but why not?"

"It's a mystery drama set in North Carolina and it's based on a best-selling novel."

"Huh... okay! Do you wanna get tickets and I'll get snacks?"

"What more than the ones we have?"
"It's not a movie date without popcorn."

"That would mean you have to let go of my hand."

"Oh yeah... okay bad plan."

Harvey laughs as he heads off to the box office and I go to queue for popcorn. For midday on a Saturday, it's actually pretty quiet. I grab two medium bags of sweet popcorn, realising a little too late that I never asked which Harvey prefers but hoping that he'll be okay with sweet over salted. I meet him in the middle of the foyer and he hands me my ticket which I trade with the bag of popcorn.

"Wasn't sure if you wanted sweet or salted so I guessed at got sweet"

"Perfect. I always go for sweet. My parents like salted but I think it tastes gross."

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