46 - Harvey

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So... as it turns out Ali isn't the wimp when it comes to horror films. I am. I end up jumping at every single scare and Ali is barely containing his laughter. We make it through both the films and then everyone is clearing out. It is nearly midnight by now and everyone's a little tired but feeling good. I cuddle into Ali as we head back to the car. Grant is giving a lift to Erika and we all agree to meet up and have a drink when we get to the flat. Ali says he knows somewhere he can park nearby where he won't get a ticket. He drops us off and then I see him disappear down a side street, speed walking back over a few minutes later.

"Pretty sure the party is still going so me and Nia might have to do some kicking out later" I say as I put my arm around him.

"Let me know if you need any help. I'm used to handling drunken idiots when they need to leave" he says as he leans up to give me a peck on the cheek. I chuckle and turn towards him and steal a proper kiss.

The others are waiting in the lobby for us. Nia has taken off the heels and is standing barefoot chatting to Dee. Grant and Erika look quite conspiratorial and close while Anwar is on the phone. I'm guessing he is speaking to his sister. Dee notices us and waves as Nia turns and runs up to give us both a hug.

"Right. You two ready to deal with whatever mess is up there?" she asks, sounding exasperated. I give her a smile.

"Can't be worse than Freshers week can it?" I say. Ali gives me a look that says it very much could but I don't believe for a second that it will be. Worse we'll have to do is get really stern and start clearing out the floor if people don't respect that this isn't a nightclub. There had been an agreement that things would wind down by midnight and people would be gone by one in the morning. Freshers week was pretty much the reason we had that rule in place and it had been followed since. No reason it couldn't be followed tonight, right?

We get up to the fourth floor and already there is a problem. There are a lot more people than we were expecting to be here. As we move towards the crowded kitchen, Nia and Dee are already getting people to leave. Nia is a lot nicer about it than Dee but no one is arguing with her either. I sure as hell wouldn't if it was me. Me, Ali and Anwar move down the corridor to get to our rooms. I get through the door and kick off my shoes while Ali takes the chance to use the bathroom. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror before he shuts the door and I look so alien but... good, I guess. It's just weird because I never dress up like this other than for weddings or funerals and, thankfully, those are few and far between.

But then I think about how Ali looked at me all evening. How he was trying his best not to stare but kept gravitating back to me like I was the only thing he wanted in his view at all times and I smile. A big, goofy smile that makes my cheeks hurt. I love him so much and he makes me feel so good about myself even when I can't see what he sees in me most of the time.

"What are you grinning at?"

I jump a little as Ali appears beside me quietly. I didn't even hear the flush go. I was that lost in my thoughts and I just blush a little as I lean in and kiss him.

"You. Always you."

"Wow and you call me cringe" he says with a cheeky grin.

"You're clearly a bad influence" I fire back as I snake my hands around his waist and pull him to me. He just wraps his arms around my neck and leans in to kiss me.

"Maybe I'm the devil on your shoulder rather than a gay guardian angel" he muses.

"Oh so changing to red leather from the white feather and gold are we?"

"Maybe. Think you'd like seeing me in devil horns, a red harness and a jockstrap though."

I definitely go completely scarlet and start spluttering what I'm trying to say next but words are not a thing I am apparently capable of when Ali just puts ideas like that out there for me and it causes me to have a little bit of a brain reset. He just grins smugly, knowing full well what he just did and I have know doubt he is planning something in that filthy mind of his. Which... I'm not entirely opposed to finding out about. Do I push it here? Do I want to know? Only one way to find out.

"Maybe I would..." I say once I can actually utter anything coherent. Ali looks at me half-surprised I managed to recover my senses.

"Okay. Maybe next time you stay over we could... take things a step further?"

I don't say words. I just nod enthusiastically and kiss him again, suddenly hungry for the taste of his lips. There is no way I could ever tire of kissing this man. Not ever. We are rudely interrupted by a knock on the, still open, door. Nia is standing there, looking exasperated.

"Could I get you both to help me clear people out. It's nearly half twelve and I think Dee might commit a murder if people keep giving her shit."

"Okay yeah I'll come help with her. We've done this before" Ali says, kissing me on the cheek as he heads to find Dee. My eyes follow him out the door and suddenly I feel a little colder and miss his touch like it's oxygen and I'm holding my breath underwater. Nia just looks at me and jerks her head out of the room. I sigh and follow.

We get to the kitchen as Ali and Dee are all but dragging a guy out and putting him in the elevator. Dee has her hand like a vice at the back of his neck and his arm looks like she could break it if she flinched so I'm pretty sure Ali is making sure she doesn't. When me and Nia get in there, I finally realise what the problem is.


He's on the sofas with a load of guys. I recognise a few of them from the Football soc when they've been in the SU bar. Which they are currently banned from as it happens. Nia turns to see a gaggle of girls singing way too loudly in the corner before looking back to me as Anwar comes in and picks someone up off the floor I hadn't noticed and escorts them out.

"Okay, I'll handle the girls. Think you can get some sense to percolate through Ry's dense skull?"

"I'll try" I grumble. He really is the last person I want to interact with right now. I see Ali and Dee come back through the door with Ali talking quietly to her as they do. He looks up to catch me walking over to Ryan and starts making his way over with Dee. I stand behind Ryan and tap him pretty heavily on the shoulder.

"Ry. Get everyone out of here. Party's over."

"Nah it ain't" he says without turning round.

"Yes it is. Come on. You know the rule."

"Fuck off man. Don't you have a dick to suck?"

A chorus of jeers and laughs went up from the football soc. I take a steadying breath. A voice comes from beside me.

"Remind me, police is all the nines right?" Ali says with his phone out. He's loud enough that everyone hears him and turns towards him "yeah, you heard me. Start clearing out. Now."

"Either get them to clear off or I will let him phone it in" I murmur into Ryan's ear as I clap him on the shoulder and turn to walk away. He spins me back round and shoves me back into Ali.

"Why don't you both use that leaflet that got left on your door. You might stand a chance of being normal."

I can feel the anger pouring off of Ali like a waterfall. Everyone has gone quiet. There's an ugly feeling crawling under my skin.

"What the fuck did you just say?" Ali spits venomously. He steps forward with Dee, looking like a coiled snake waiting to strike.

"You heard me, you pathetic little f-"

There's a murmur that goes through the room. I taste bile and my vision just goes blank. I don't know much of what transpires next.

When I come to, Ali has me pinned to a wall. Dee, Nia, Anwar and the other two flatmates are forcing the football society out of the kitchen. And Ryan is on the floor, writhing in pain.

My hands are sore.

I feel something hot and wet on my forehead. I reach up and touch it. Blood. Not mine.

What did I do?

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