35 - Ali

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I didn't really know what the phrase "burning anger" really meant until I got that text from Harvey. It was like someone ignited a furnace deep in my gut and the heat and the rage of it started coursing through my blood. The last bit of my shift went agonisingly slow after that and I know Dee could sense something wasn't okay but I was way too mad to bother trying to explain it to her. I endured the last hour and immediately went storming out the door the second my shift ended, heading directly for Harvey's. I texted mum to let her know I was going there before heading home.

I don't know what it is about me when I get angry but I could just about burn my footprints into the tarmac. I get to the flat block in record time and there is a twitch in my jaw that I used to get just before I ended up swinging at someone. I take a deep breath as I sneak through the front doors as some other student opens up the electronic doors with their key card and then I head up the stairs. I'm panting and sweat is running across my forehead by the time I hit the fourth floor and crash through the door.

I hear the kitchen door open and Harvey is standing there. I don't even hesitate, moving and crashing into him with a hug, pulling him close to me. I can feel him sigh against my neck and I just hold him. There'll be time for anger later. Harvey needs me. Over his shoulder, I can see a couple people staring at us - I can only assume that's Nia and Anwar. Just about the only two people I am convinced did not do this. I squeeze Harvey tighter. I feel him reciprocate.

"You smell like burgers" Harvey murmurs against my skin. I can't help but laugh at that and turn in to kiss him. I can taste a slightly salty tang from where he'd been crying and I kiss him deeper as if I could stop him from ever having to cry again. It feels like an eternity before we separate and he leads me into the kitchen. Nia and Anwar are just giving us both knowing smiles.

"So I'm guessing you are the infamous Ali, hm?" Nia says as she raises a mug of tea to her lips. I smile and chuckle, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Guilty as charged! You must be Nia and Anwar, yeah?"

"That's us!" Nia beams back "We've heard so much about you!"

"In that case, I'm terribly sorry"

That garnered a laugh and an elbow in the side from Harvey as we sat down.

"Kettle's only just boiled if you want a brew" Nia offered. I just noticed the midlands twang in her voice. I offer her a warm smile.

"I'd love one" I say as I sit down next to Harvey. He immediately scooches closer to me to the point where our arms and legs are pressed together and he rests his head on my shoulder and sighs heavily. I wrap my arm around him and squeeze gently as Nia brings a mug over and puts it down in front of me.


"Don't mention it. Now, are we including you in our plans to find and sacrifice the little wankstain that pulled this insidiously unfunny prank?" she asks.

"No deity across any pantheon wants anything to do with the soul or blood of whatever cretin did this" is my blunt reply. She smiles as she sips her drink. I take a sip of mine. It is literally perfect and how I always take my tea. I am convinced Nia is a witch. She just keeps up a knowing smile.

Absolutely a witch.

"So what plans did you have for the rest of the week?" I ask, trying to generate some small talk. Nia shifted in her seat and shrugged. Anwar actually answered.

"We don't have much planned honestly. Hallowe'en always seemed a bit pointless to me. I never really celebrated it with my family either but then Dad came from a pretty traditional family so the biggest thing for us in October was Diwali and that's passed now."

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