The Unescapable Bully

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Next Monday, the class ends at noontime. Raven wants to find the grid ball captain somewhere in the school field. During her search, she finally saw him talking with the crowds. His fan girls gathered in front of him to ask him to chat, selfie, and interview. While, his jock friends were busy to chat too.

Raven's voice narrates, "Okay, this time... I'll try to be confident to chat with this guy. Cuz I'm so happy that I have my freedom to socialize..."

When Raven approaches behind him,

"H-hi?" Raven speaks

When the man she had crush on turns around, he looks at her and happily surprised.

"Oh hey! *Chuckles* You look unique than these hot girls over here." He spoke

Those fan girls shocked at her after he paid attention to Raven.

Raven asked, "*Shy* Uhm... what's your name? I saw your nice posters at the school hallway. My fellow students from Midway high school appreciates your existence."

One of the fan girls from midway high school denies, "*Suspicious* She wasn't our fellow student."

He ignores a fan girl while felt so happy for Raven.

He said, "Oh... I'm so pleased to hear that... I'm Tommy... *Shake her hands* Tommy Williams. It's nice to meet you!"

"*Blushes* It's nice to meet you too! I'm Raven-" she interrupted

"Well, well, well, what do we have here." Chelsey said while approaching

Raven widens her eyes while Tommy approaches at her.

"Oh hey, babe!" Tommy said and kisses her lips

Raven so shocked and sensed his loyalty to Chelsey.

Chelsey said, "Are you here to flirt with my boyfriend? Are you saying that I'm a wrong person who was wasting anything? Maybe you're the one who was stealing them from me."

Tommy looks suspicious at Raven, "Is that true?"

Raven freezes cuz of shock,

But she speaks clearly, "U...uh...... I'm just saying that cuz you're abu-"

Chelsey interrupts, "U-uh! You're done ruining my crown. In this college, flirting from a taken man is prohibited."

Tommy tries to convince, "But Chelsey, she's just trying to have friends with me."

"Hmpf, she likes to flirt guys in school and leaving me down from my stand!" Chelsey said compassionately

"*Sigh* Alright, I had no idea that he's your boyfriend. *Mad* BUT I'm not intending to flirt him to steal from you! Urgh, I'm outta here." Raven said and left

When Raven left,

Tommy stares at Raven and speak, "Probably, even she's a short goth girl, she's cute when ma-"

Chelsey hit her elbow to his waist interrupting by her jealousy.

"Babe, I'm just joking!" Tommy said

"I'm your cute gf not that witch!" Chelsey said

Raven went back to her room to stay there until the recess time ends.

Back in Raven's narration, "Yep, for what I've said while ago 'freedom to socialize' turns out into 'Discriminated to socialize'.

Really, he's, her boyfriend? I'm so tired of seeing her. Somehow, her old trashy attitude was still flipping my personality.

*Deep breath* I'll forgot Tommy cuz he's taken from now."

Soon, Raven attends another subject. After some hours later, she roams around the school hallway again.

Raven's voice narrates, "Actually, I'm attracted to my fellow Emo and goth students. But from all of them, Tommy was the only one that I have crush on but~"

She saw another jock but he's a goth. His fierce face makes her attracted.

Raven's voice narrates, "Never mind, I'll try to have friends with this guy."

When she approaches to chat with goth jock guy, his goth jock friends glance off at her.

"Go away, fat girl!" his goth jock friend shoos her away

The goth jocks laugh except her new crush. When that guy noticed her, he looks at her with poker face.

His goth jock friend mocks, "Hey, Silver. You have another simp fan here!"

He ignores while he listens to Raven.

"Hey, can we be friends?" Raven asked

"Sorry, I'm just interested to bad girls." Silver said

Raven's heart torn apart. Then his friends laugh at her.

"Legit, he likes bad girls." Raven's voice narrates

Later outside the school, she walks towards at the exit gate. While on her way, she didn't know that she passed on the soccer field. In her moment, a soccer ball hits her head.

She had no idea that the soccer player meant to do it.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean it!" A soccer player apologizes

Even so, Raven sensed his plan and heard chuckling with his friend. During their fist bump, they're surprised when Raven plays the soccer ball. By using her feet on a gothic boot, she gives a playful kick on her knees and then feet.

But when she kicks it higher, she does her parkour jump until kicks the soccer ball. Vigorously, she shot the soccer player's face so accurately. His friends panic while getting him up.

Raven said madly, "Don't deal with me, nut heads. *Left* Ugh, these toxic people can't stop mocking me."

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