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When still surrounded by Chelsey's supporters and friends, few students are concerned for Raven. Entire students nearby even the Whale section goes out from their rooms. Without noticing the judges, they watched and listened to the scenery.

"Your news is such a pail of gas that was trying to stop the burning house. But you're causing to make it worse!" a concern student 1 said with deep words

Chelsey has no idea, "Ugh, what does it mean? Why you're talking so weird there, author guy?"

Concerned student 2 complaints, "This is enough, Chelsey. "*Points herself* I'm not the only one, *Points Raven* she's not the only one, WE, the few students here are abused just for your fame!

Everyone's unspoken for your flippy news ruining our names and dignity in school!"

A student said, "*Stumped* She can't accept some black students like us." 

Concern student 3 complaints, "Right now, from this incidence, you're talking and acting like a human. But how about if you're alone with someone?

With that slim girl who was big fat girl before. Do you think we don't have care while you're saying something gross at her?" 

Another student leaks, "Ugh, she's saying it that nobody could stop her. I think students roaming around here are under of her hands. Once a student will try to report her to teachers, she might blackmail them by saying that student's private issues." 

Then, students start to murmur about Chelsey.

Next student said, "Spreading student's private issues? I think she'll be busy to leak a lot of these news about 'students' private issues' on next day." 

Chelsey shouted, "SHUT UP!"

Entire of them have a little paused.

Chelsey pretends to be calm, "*Fakes smiles* What are you talking everybody? I've noticed those judges there. You're making a loud noise!"

A student stumped, "Ugh, a snake was wearing bunny's skin again."

Raven stood and faces her fears to speak in front of Chelsey. Everyone listens from her speech.

Raven spoke, "Since I became a student, I'm not welcome from your kind. Even I insist to have social with rich or beauty people like you, you're locking all of your doors.

I'm SO DISAPPOINTED that you have fame, beauty or everything. Without any good guidance, you're wasting them one by one.

Ugly, poor, trash, or any gross students or friends that you've called? You're isolating them. Stomping their faces including mine on the dirt, stepping your foot towards the fame.

Your eyes aren't balanced here in society. I'm so wrong to meet a person like you ever since. I hope you'll change and try to balance with other people. Got it?"

The emo student from whale section with his nerd girlfriend hugs together.

Chelsey said with fake action, "Okay, I'll change from now. Now, my friend I'll-"

Raven goes away and said, "NO. Thanks for your fake concern. Also, that humiliations about my costume and bringing psychologist's daughter to me afterwards cuz I'm having mental issues? No, thank you- but YOU should be the one to take at the psychologist!"

A student working as a surveillance guard arrives, "WAIT I'VE GOT THE CCTV BACK UP AS MY EVIDENCE. I WANT TO SPEAK EITHER!"

Chelsey thought, "Urgh, if I win this vote and become president of this school someday, I'll be the boss who will dump you up on the trashes, Raven Rin!"

Few moments later, the judges, teachers, and principal went on one place. They discuss something for feedback about the school's festival.

Later on, judges finally left but chosen a student already by vote. The students wait for the announcement 'til night comes.

Soon, in announcement,

"Albacore section representative got 2,566 votes from entire high school students. While, she only got one vote from 10 judge in total of 3,066 vote points!" An announcer said

Chelsey's section cheers while Raven was too far away from them. She's with those Whale section sitting at the stone nearby school lake. The emo's nerd girlfriend spared her some clothes to wear and cleans Raven.

"Lion Fish section representative got 106 student votes. Four judges vote for them in total of 2,106 vote points!" The announcer said further

"WHOO WE ARE THE BEST!" Chelsey's supporter cheers

"We will win, bestie!" Chelsey's close friend said

During their wide smile, Chelsey head up with boast and grins for her evil plans soon for Raven.

"Nominee section representative from Whale section got 86 student votes!" An announcer said

The emo student from Whale section lowers his head with disappointment. Albacore section laughs so hard but...

An announcer said, "Hep-hep, entire Judges voted for him in total of 5,086 vote points!"

Chelsey shocked with her supporters and friends.

An announcer said, "So, from these three representatives of Zuzu Midway Highschool fourth year class goes to... the representative of Whale section-"

When the emo student's name was called, he runs happily with his friends to the stage. He was now the president of the Zuzu Midway high school.

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