Voting Festival Incident

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For upcoming school presidential nomination day, the battle of the band fest is done. While on Raven's way, she saw an emo student sitting alone on the wall alone. Students are passing by.

She tries to sense his feelings until she approaches.

"Hey." Raven calls

The emo student glances off at her.

"Uh... I don't wanna talk to you. You're the harp lady that the famous newscaster telling us." The emo student said

Once Raven read his eyes for second,

She speaks, "You're one of the nominees, didn't you? I heard it from the goths last week."

He lowers his head and became frustrated.

"I did all of my efforts." The emo student said

They have a little pause.

Raven asked, "It's final day of festival week. I saw those students designing each room for their nominee representatives. You were a nominee representative... of Whale section, right?"

"How did you know?" He got suspicious at her

"I've already told you. Students here are recognizing your proper and humbleness personality. We've seen you recycling and cleaning this school without hesitation." Raven said for what she read from his eyes

"Thh, that's old stuff." The emo student said

"Who said that?" Raven asked

"Those boys wearing in black mask... ravaging our designs. My nerd girlfriend cried after we did a lot of effort together last night. We sneaked here together to make preparations.

Unfortunate for this next morning as final day, these boys just entered during our last preparation. My fellow students are harmed and they said a word." The emo student said

Raven thinks deeply until she decided to take him back into the whale section. It's because she didn't know that room, she tried to convince the emo student.

"Hey, I understand your efforts. Even you're a janitor or working student here, at least you make the school in proper sanitation and hygiene. So, you deserved to be a school president." Raven said

"H-how did you know all of it by the way?" he asked

She pushed his back and take her to his section.

"Just think that I'm your guardian angel. Let's go buddy." Raven said

Later on,

In Whale section room,

Raven helps his students renovating the sabotaged designs. Others innovate that could attract attention for judges later on. Especially, Raven secretly used her strength to lift heavy things with Whale section students.

For three hours, they've finally finished everything in their room. When the emo student was going to thank Raven, she's gone already. Just disappeared like a bubble. He stood and seeking for her while the Whale section students are cheering.

A whale section student cheer, "Precisely, it's 4:00 pm!"

Raven went back to the crowds and never goes on her own room. She wasn't interested to volunteer from Chelsey.

Raven narrated, "Betraying or not, I'm not still welcome even I'll try to insist myself to socialize with my own section... Fine... I'll go back there to check."

When she arrived on her section, she saw Chelsey and her big fat friend on the distance. Her friend was now slim after she asked for Chelsey's secret diet. Students are just passing by while she's reprimanding them.

"You're ruining my make up show by your face. Judges wasn't interested after they checked our room. Even I made you slim now, your face was still... gross!" Chelsey interrupted

Raven surprised, "Hey, is that you right now?"

her friend shoos her away, "Raven, why you're here? You haven't help us since we prepared for this."

Chelsey faces Raven and said, "*Compassionate* Ugh get out Raven or else you'll hurt me all over again."

Raven answered, "Hurt you or hurt other's feelings? You're saying negative to your own fellow student here in the crowds. Is that the leader who will lead the school for 1 year?"

When Chelsey's supporters and friends went out with other section students, they surround Raven.

"Hey, why you're fighting with Chelsey again?!" her friend 1 shouts

Her friend 2 shouted either, "Stay away or else, we'll hurt you!"

"You're nonsense, Raven. Why you haven't help us to design our room?!" friend 3 shouted

During their argument, one of Chelsey's friends threw Raven an egg. Until her friends throw her those foods. Raven covers herself until one of the female students blocks her. Second student rushes towards Raven to cover her either.

"HEY-HEY-HEY, you're doing it so inhuman!" a student shouted

Chelsey's friends stopped while Raven was holding her tears. Even so, one of them make Raven surprised by a word.

A random student spoke, "Everything's upside down for you, for all who supports Chelsey. You're embracing her toxicity while you're dumping who was more human than you?!"

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