Swimsuit for Raven?

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During their moment, Mitchell found Raven again.

Mitchell calls, "RAVEN~!"

Raven widens her eyes and look at her.

"Precisely, you're here again!" Mitchell said happily

"Uhm... There's another model contest here again?" Raven asked neutrally

"Nope. I just wanna try you some trending bikinis that I'm practicing. You're welcome to my second boutique branch here in resort!" Mitchell said

"Wait, how many branches that you've won?" Raven asked

Mitchell counts on her fingers until she spoke.

"Eight boutique branches here in Zuzu city. While other sixteen branches are spread over the world." Mitchell said

Raven widens her eyes while Jessie was so amazed.

Mitchell said, "Once you became my luck, Raven... I will bring your kindness to me. It was surprising that I owned these exclusive rich boutique branches from now on. Is there's something to help you?"

Raven cried, "I need foodies~!"

On Mitchell's second branch, Mitchell heartly welcomes Raven. She took her to her dining room with prepared foods. Raven's eyes sparkles.

Mitchell said, "Do whatever you want cuz I can't able to finish entire of them. I'm on a diet or else my health issues may get worse. I've donated the others to the burglars outside but the rich people won't stop giving me these."

Raven said, "No prob, Mitchell... Thank you very much for your kindness either!"

"*Smiles* You're all welcome here. Enjoy your lunch. *Gives calling card* Call me by this number if you're finished your lunch." Mitchell said

When Mitchell left, Raven ate those foods alone. She took an hour until pull and rest on the chair. Half of the foods are gone but she stays fit. To burn calories, she cleans her mess at the able. She eats well and satisfied for this opportunity.

Meanwhile, Jessie was drinking an iced tea with Pinky. They watched Terrenz with his girlfriend putting sun block on the sand towel.

Pinky said, "Aww, look at them. They're such a crow instead of dove."

"I'm envy, gurl." Jessie acts gay

"Wait, are you...?" Pinky interrupted

Women approached them after noticing Jessie's outfit,

"Hi there. Are you the Crow Band leader Jessie Ulysses?" woman #1 asked

"Sorry, Pinky. *Grooms his hair* I'm just kidding." Jessie said and left

Pinky looks at him suspiciously while Jessie left. Later on, Terrenz girlfriend asked Pinky to go on boutique. She leads them over there to buy some new swimming outfit. Unexpectedly, they saw Raven with Mitchell.

"Raven!" They call

She glances off until she raised her hand.

Raven spoke, "Hey, what are you doing here?"

Mitchell asked, "Are they your band mates, right?"

"Yes, it is. But where's Jessie?" Raven said

Pinky responses, "He's been buried alive with his fan girls."

Mitchell said, "So, are you ready to pick some free-swimming outfits, Raven? Don't worry, your friends will get some freebies too!"

Pinky and Terrenz gf shocked and they murmur happily.

Terrenz said, "No-no, thanks. It's embarrassing to get free swimming outfit."

Raven said, "Don't worry, Mitchell. We'll pay for it."

"If you say so. Come on let's go to the private room!" Mitchell said

And then, they decided to make Raven first on the line. She tried many swimming outfits that she chose while her friends sat on the couch. They critic for what Raven wears. She chose many things to wear but not showy to her body. Until, Mitchell decided to go with Raven inside the fitting room. While her friends wait outside, Mitchell gave her something.

"Here, this is made by me... I wonder why you're not showy to your sexy body, Raven?" She asked

Raven answers, "*Frowns* I-It's my charm... Such luring the boys because they're appreciating bodies like this. You know... *Smiles nervously* After the model show, I'm thankful that you boosted my confidence.

Unfortunately, boys from the colleges are bothering me. *Sad* Worse of all, Chelsey will make more false rumors about this."

Mitchell said, "*Smirks* Fact. Moreover, I haven't notice Chelsey broadcasting your goals. She just stays quiet with other news media. *Sigh* So, it's unfair, she's just noisy when it comes to false rumors.

Even so, you were now famous especially you're on the stepping stone... You as being part of the band as vocalist, you have to be showy for boosting confidence. Stay irrevocable.

*Frolicking" Hi-hi-hi... Now time to crash Chelsey's beauty and attitude. I believe for your golden heart, Raven."

After encouraged, Mitchell left the room and wait with her friends outside. Afterwards, Raven went out the fitting room wearing the black bikini outfit. Their eyes sparkles and amazed for what they've saw.

Back on the beach, college students occupied the beach. Jessie is with his fan girls who were burying his body. Except his head, he spoke to them.

Jessie flirts, "Ehehe, if I get out to this sand like a zombie, I'll eat your heart and-"

His fan girls suddenly ran away after they saw something. When Jessie more crowd incoming on his way, he panics to go out on the sand.

Jessie shouted, "WAIT, WHERE ARE YOU GOING? -GET ME OUTTA HERE! *Screams like a girl*"

And them, he's been stepped by rushing men. Few minutes later, he's been taken on the stretcher. Raven and his friends stood on his side worried.

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