Raven Behind The Crow Mask

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Raven narrates, "Many days and nights, no training, no dad, and everything's quiet here in our simple house.

Till years later, I was a fourth-year high school student, same classmates, same bully days.

There are opportunities to encourage some students when they got down. There are physical encounters that I've saved those weak from bullies. Even in Chelsey's side, I feel them on the distance that they're having conscience and guilt on me.

Outside the school,

I continuously saved few lives of people and escaping syndicates somewhere in this city. I spared suspects' lives but took them to the jail. Others were tied up where they can't escape until polices arrives for arrest. I have no worries now when every time I saved innocent people.

But sometimes I asked myself. Did I really killed that killer on the rails just to save a victim before?

Back then,

At school, I became so quiet and introvert. Nobody gets concern at me for what Chelsey did."

During her loneliness, she saw those goth guys posting a poster on the wall. She approaches them and asked.

"What's this?" Raven asked

A goth guy 1 said, "It's a battle of the band's fest within one week. Winners from each day will have a final battle on Saturday as last day of competition!"

Goth guy 2 said, "Also, there's a nomination for school president after the fest. I'll vote for that emo boy!"

Goth guy 3 said, "No chances, bro. He can't win cuz of Chelsey. She said that this school will be the best for make-up and free WIFI services. YUCK!"

Raven left them to start thinking.

Raven thought, "*Sigh* Really make up for what? -Chelsey was judging those students who can't reach the level of her beauty. Also, she's one of the rich eye losers who underestimated poor or simple life students."

They took several days later before the battle of the band starts. Raven wore a crow mask (Covers her upper half face) and joins on a random band to sing.

"Hey, make us sure that you'll sing it cool cuz our female vocalist was sick today." An emo musician said

Raven nods and then they enter the stage.

Few minutes later, in the end of the song.

*A/N: Bring me to life – Evanescence

Raven: -Bring... me... to life~

Emo vocalist: Wake me up!

Raven: Wake me up inside

Emo vocalist: I can't wake up!

Raven: Wake me up inside!

Emo vocalist: Save me~!

Raven: Call my name and save me from the dark. Bid my blood to run

Emo vocalist: I can't wake up

Raven: Before I come undone

Emo vocalist: Save me~!

Raven: Save me from the nothing I've become~

Bring me to life...


Raven: Bring... me... to... life~!

The audience shouted so loud and they're so amazed from Raven's voice. Other goth students capture a video using their phones. When finished, Jessie, Pinky, and Terrenz was interested to see her after their show. From their friendly rival band, they asked to know the girl behind the mask.

Jessie asked, "Gee man... She really got evanescence vocalist's voice! Can we know her?"

The band leader said, "Yeah, I'll... Wait where is she right now?"

Unfortunately, she's already gone while passing through at the crowds. Her current outfit change for one second within the crowds. Because of her mermaid's supernatural power, she could switch the outfit she wears.

Each day,

Every band competition that Raven joins, she wears a mask and left each random bands after those presentations. There are times the band she joins wins but others placed on 2nd at few chances.

It made the whole goth and emo students curious. Her video from social media got viral. In reality, no traces found about the mysterious goth girl in mask.

Meanwhile, Raven stood hidden as a loser student for reason. She doesn't need money or fame. The only thing she need is to see people appreciating her existence. Then, it's fine for her.

At the final day from the fest, Raven decided to watch at the crowds only. All members that she joins were fine now after giving them an opportunity to win.

Raven narrates, "I chose to join these people because they have challenges. By reading their eyes, I saw each scenario about them, appearing from my vision.

There are others who got kicked out by over pride leader. Or, kicked out because there's somebody is better than them.

Other musicians want to be fame but people aren't interested to listen. It's because pro musicians in this school are getting more to discover.

Other goth musicians need to win money for their financial and family needs.

Until those dumped musicians grouped and made their own several bands. They are friendly even rivals from each other. Except others who ended up in chaos arguments by pride.

Now in this final day, it became so enjoyable until the grand winner takes the prize. The 'Black Pearl' band. While, the band where I'm inspired of were in third placers."

Jessie and other placers approach at the Grand winner band.

Jessie greets happily, "BRO~ congrats! We didn't expect for this!"

A Black Pearl leader said, "I really appreciated your effort too. Thanks for the girl in mask, she's the one who gave a name for our band. It really led us to luck!"

Pinky asked, "Who is she by the way? We haven't found her yet."

Terrenz said, "Hmm... I think she's in the crowds. But from all winning bands here, she never joins our band to jam with us since this fest started."

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