Chase in Night of Spring

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Later on, Jessie and Raven went on the blind date in restaurant. They separated in chairs while people are switching to sit after chat. Unfortunately, Raven and Jessie end up together in the table.

"*Facepalm* Good, now we're both alone." Jessie said

Raven flirts, "Why don't you just forget your deceased sister's face from me and be your girlfriend?"

Jessie said seriously, "I can't accept that. But I'll treat you like my real sister. *Sigh* Well, I'll go on the plan B... *Stands and leaves the chair* I'll flirt Terrenz."

"What?!" Raven shocked

He raises his hand while walking out.

Jessie said, "Just kidding. I'll go home. Stay there to meet your match."

Raven never hesitated until she goes out with him at the restaurant.

While on their way at his Harley green motorbike,

Raven asked further, "So~ you'll leave me, dear brother?"

Jessie said, "Yeah, you told me that you already memorized this place... After roaming around in Zuzu city."

During their talk, there's a black van parked nearby his motorbike. It's the Zuzu syndicates again. Raven sensed them inside the van until she clutches Jessie's wrist.

"Bro, we need to run!" Raven shouted

While, inside the van,

Mr. Gator shouted, "This is impossible. This van has a one-way mirror. GET THEM!"

So, Raven and Jessie run while those syndicates chase them. Jessie was going to panic once Raven tells him.

"We should go back to your motorbike later on after those-" Raven interrupted

Once Jessie looks behind,

He panics, "ZUZU SYNDICATES?!"

Then, he screams loudly until his own adrenaline makes him run faster. Raven leaps and hangs herself at Jessie's back. When they are going to arrive in the quiet lake, Mr. Gator controls any dangerous reptile to summon.

Then, Alligators went out the water and block Jessie's way. When he stops, he got a panic attack until he faints. Raven stumbles down but caught his head by her arms. Afterwards, Mr. Gator calls his assassin to face her.

"You again?" Raven asked madly

Mr. Gator said, "Good evening, little pearl. Your tears is such a treasure for us. Would you like to surrender yourself now and be one of us?"

Raven said, "*Stumped* You know, your repeating words are boring right now after a century."

Mr. Gator spoke, "You want a new line? *Determined* I'll introduce you, my female assassin with sophisticated things to get you! I heard that you can fight like your dad right now.

Moreover, you're defending local residences when my men tried to get them. *Sigh* This is exciting and I think I'll get you and rewarded by the warden!"

"W-who's warden?" Raven asked

Mr. Gator said, "Miss warden. Our beautiful and richest lady who exist in the city of hell!"

"*Stumbles* Duh, you're the one who brought chaos in people's life here... *Mad* Cuz of money." Raven said

Then, she summons the wood sword from her hand. Raven used it since their training with her father.

Mr. Gator was amazed, "Ooooh~ Did you see that everyone? She was so interesting especially showing her real form."

"Don't ever... try to reveal me by saying that as the mermaid's rule!" Raven enrages

She gnarls while launching attack but the assassin blocks by using a solar sword. It electrifies Raven but it's nothing for her.

Raven smirks, "*Huff* Sorry... but I don't need to slay anyone."

Then, she uses her fainting kick moves to the assassin. For second, Raven faints the assassin and goes back to get Jessie. She charges herself by enraging until she swifts like a lightning. She took Jessie's body and dives on the water. By turning back into void mermaid, she takes Jessie away from them.

Seconds later, they were on the other side of the city. Far away from the syndicates, Jessie was now safe with her. He woke up and coughs after get drowned a little bit.

Raven thought deeply, "Phew, I almost turn into uncontrollable hostile. I really should hold my anger."

When Jessie sat,

Raven speaks, "Oh hey, Jessie."

"W-why we end up here?" Jessie asked

"Uhm... I dragged you out from their... yacht boat. Yah... after you fainted, we got captured. Thanks to me, I know how to fight." Raven lied

Jessie started to doubt on her. Few hours later, Jessie sent her back on her house. By riding on his motorbike, Jessie droves while Raven is riding behind him.

When getting nearby on her house,

Jessie spoke, "*Serious* Hey... I saw something strange at you, Raven."

Raven senses his feeling until she feels frustrated.

"Uhm... did you see it?" She asked

Later on, in front of her house, Jessie parks the motorbike.

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