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After stirring up the muddy water, Yang Can left.

Zhu Tong never thought that the person who thought it was timely rain turned out to be a pig teammate.

Moreover, Yang Can's voice is not small, and the few words he said later were heard by almost the whole class.

For a time, all the gossip eyes were focused on him.

Fortunately, the class bell rang in time, and Zhu Tongcai temporarily avoided being watched by the whole class.

He secretly glanced at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming looked calm, as if he didn't take the grade director's words to heart at all.

But the favorability has dropped!

If I had known, he would not have told the principal that he wanted to share the table with Shao Ming.

Anyway, there was only an empty seat next to Shao Ming in the third shift.

No one likes a purposeful approach from someone they don't know!

Zhu Tong sighed deeply.

It's a misfortune.

He looked at the sticker on the desktop scratched by Yuan Shaozhou, and it was not pleasing to the eye.

Fortunately, he was well prepared and bought two rolls of stickers.

Shao Ming only heard the sound of "thorn", and when he turned around, he saw the sticker that his deskmate had worked so hard to put on, and he tore it off cleanly.

Got another roll of stickers.

Shao Ming: "…"

If Yuan Shaozhou saw this, he would endure the humiliation and bear the burden of wiping the "clean" stickers and tore them up as garbage.

Shao Ming couldn't help but smile.

Is this guy doing it on purpose? Or intentional?

With the first experience, the second action is much more neat.

Before the head teacher entered the classroom, Zhu Tong completed his great job of wrapping desks.

The head teacher of the third class is a gentle male teacher named Shi Wenshu.

Probably because he was teaching Chinese, even with his name, he had a strong bookish air.

When Shi Wenshu just walked into the classroom, his eyes went straight to the last row of the classroom by the window.

He had just heard from the grade director that the transfer students in his class were bullied by Yuan Shaozhou, so he came to class late.

He intended to appease the new classmates, so he said directly: "Before the class meeting starts, let me say one thing first, Zhu Tong, come to the podium."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Standing on the podium, Shi Wenshu smiled and said, "Everyone must know that there is a new transfer student in our class this year, Zhu Tong, come and introduce yourself."

As soon as he finished speaking, the following girls began to whisper.

"So his name is Zhu Tong?"

"Even the name is so cute."

"Congratulations to our third class for a new handsome guy."

Zhu Tong did not suffer from stage fright, and immediately said: "Hello everyone, my name is Zhu Tong, the child of fairy tales."

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