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At first, Zhu Tong proposed to be discharged from the hospital and transferred to another school, but Cheng Qingsong did not agree.

Gongshui County is a remote area and the school conditions are poor. Zhu Tong has never been exposed to the wind, rain, bumps, and bumps. He has to pay more attention to food, clothing, housing and transportation than ordinary people. How could he go to school in such a place?

I was just out of the ICU at the time.

But Zhu Tong's diagnosis made him have to compromise. The doctor said that it was a miracle that his grandson was able to get out of the ICU that day. Even if he survived that time, his body would not last long, so let him try his best to help his grandson fulfill his wishes. If the patient is in a good mood, he may be able to support it for a while.

So he nodded, but he didn't expect it would really work.

Zhu Tong's sickly physique was actually followed by his mother, even more serious than his mother.

His mother Cheng Lan was also in poor health since childhood. When she knew that her life was not long, she was afraid that her father would be sad and lonely. She gave herself up to others when she didn't like Zhushoushan, and gave birth to two siblings, Zhutong. Years passed away.

Cheng Qingsong firmly disagreed with Cheng Lan's decision. No father would want his daughter to marry casually for this kind of thing.

But Cheng Lan was too stubborn, and the father and daughter had troubles because of this.

What Cheng Qingsong regretted most was because Cheng Lan got angry with her when she got married, and she didn't even take care of her grandson and granddaughter.

So after Cheng Lan's death, when he asked Zhu Tong who they wanted to live with, the brothers and sisters did not hesitate to choose their father who was closer to them at that time.

It's ten years in a flash.

In the past ten years, he has been busy in various ways. Although he is concerned about Zhutong's brothers and sisters, the three grandparents rarely meet each other.

So when Zhu Tong suddenly called him that day and wanted to send Zhu Xin over to take care of him, he was actually a little flattered.

Surprise followed by anger.

How could Tongtong send Xiaoxin to take care of him for no reason?

Is it that the deflated calf in Zhushoushan is not good to their brothers and sisters? Then the answer turned out to be: in order to be filial to his mother.

Cheng Qingsong:…

As expected of his mother's son.

The idea is the same.

He thought that even if Zhu Tong wanted to go outside to take a look before he died, he wouldn't be able to last long in a place like Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, but he didn't expect it to be almost a month, and he didn't "can't stand it", and he was even a little... happy?

The family doctor said: "Looking at Young Master Tong's attitude towards that child, it should have something to do with it. Before he was discharged from the hospital, Young Master Tong had a cardiac arrest in the ICU. His condition was very dangerous. It is a miracle that he is so alive and kicking, I think it has a lot to do with his mentality, I have sorted out what happened to Master Tong with that child after transferring to another school, you can take a look."

The doctor handed him a document.

Cheng Qingsong took it over with a complicated mood.

"As far as I know, after Master Tong transferred to another school, he asked to be at the same table with Shao Ming, and then moved into a homestay, but for unknown reasons, the young master moved out later."

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