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The next day, he woke up from his sleep, and before he even opened his eyes, Zhu Tong's eyebrows were tightly knit together.


Back pain, leg pain, **** pain, even knee pain.

Shao Ming had already woken up one step ahead of him. Seeing him closed his eyes and frowning, he kissed the center of his forehead distressedly, smoothed the wrinkled area, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong slowly opened his eyes.

With a charming face and a jade-like temperament, two completely different styles blend just right on him... seductive.

Zhu Tonggang's little resentment dissipated in an instant, he tried to move, his bones were like falling apart, but he couldn't help frowning, but it was not the person who tossed him last night, he didn't move like he gave up struggling , looked at the ceiling and said, "I must have been deceived by the system."

Shao Ming was slightly surprised: "How do you say?"

Zhu Tong said: "My body is still very weak."


After it started last night, he couldn't take it anymore after being crushed for a while.

The place where the muscles were active was sore and numb. He begged for mercy and asked Shao Ming to change his posture, but his knee hurt again.

He's sure his knees are still red now, rubbing against the sheets yesterday.

And how did it end up...

Young Master Zhu realized what had happened last night, his face turned red, and he subconsciously looked for the quilt, only to find that there was no quilt on the bed.

It's summer now, and you have to turn on the air conditioner at night to fall asleep. Where do you need a quilt?

Zhu Tong raised his arm numbly and used his forearm to cover his eyes, but he couldn't stop the redness on his ears from spreading rapidly.

Shao Ming: "…"

He seemed a little too slow to respond.

With a low smile, he took the man into his arms and rubbed his neck mischievously, "This may not have much to do with being weak."

Zhu Tong loosened the arm that was blocking his eyes: "What's that for?"

Shao Ming said: "Lack of exercise."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming stretched out his legs. There were not many obstacles on Xia's body. The two people's bodies were sticking together. It was like reminiscing about the charming process last night.

Zhu Tong suddenly shrank his legs.

However, Shao Ming refused to let him go. He put half of his body weight on him, kissed his arm that was blocking his view, and asked, "Isn't it? I'm short of toughness, young master."

There is contentment and joy inside and outside the words.

Zhu Tong felt that he was lightly pressing the sore spot for him, and he didn't dare to move, and was unable to argue.

It really lacks tenacity.

But who would be free to exercise the toughness of that kind of place!

Zhu Tong buried his face again.

Shao Ming smiled and pulled his hand away, lowered his head and rubbed the tip of his nose, "How is it? Let's exercise more in the future?"

Zhu Tong became angry and covered his mouth with force.

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