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The undisguised ridicule made Xia Yang pale.

Zhu Tong continued: "You stepped on the moss stone and slipped yourself. Since you don't want to be misunderstood by others, don't say it? He didn't mean it? Such ambiguous words."

Xiang Chuan was indeed misunderstood from the beginning.

But he started after Xia Yang spoke.
If he could explain a sentence in time, Zhu Tong wouldn't be pressed against the wall.
The people around were shocked by this sudden reversal.
So it wasn't that Zhu Tong bullied Xia Yang and caused him to fall?
But Xiang Chuan beat people indiscriminately?
Did you vomit blood?
All eyes fell on Xia Yang and Xiang Chuan.
Xia Yang glanced at Shao Ming and explained subconsciously: "I'm not..."
"Even so." Xiang Chuan suddenly said loudly: "You see him slipping, don't you know how to help him, so you don't have any sympathy?"
Xia Yang's explanation was immediately covered by a sudden voice.
He clenched his hands secretly, and Xiang Chuan was about to die of anger.
Xiang Chuan was still a little bit complaining because of Xia Yang's blame.
But seeing Xia Yang being targeted, he still couldn't bear it.
He likes Xia Yang.
I liked it when transferred from Xia Yang.
Although he knew that Xia Yang didn't like him, he was also willing to escort Xia Yang.
Zhu Tong was almost moved by his dog-licking culture.
It was sold the first second, and the next second it continued to give money to the number of people.
Is this the halo of heartthrobs?
Before Zhu Tong could speak, Rosso, who had already figured out the ins and outs, jumped out and sneered: "Sympathy? When you pushed a patient against the wall and vomited blood, did you have sympathy? "
Xiang Chuan's face changed: "I didn't..."
He wanted to say he wasn't trying at all.
But the fact that the ground is "bloody" is in front of us.
It was useless for him to argue.
At this time, Zhu Tong also coughed slightly in pain.
Those who watched the second and third classes of high school were even more indignant.
Xiang Chuan: "..."
He frowned and looked at Zhu Tong, thinking to himself, why is this person so unbeaten?
If Zhu Tong knew what he was thinking, he would definitely reply to him: I'm sorry.
He was just so unbeatable.
There are more and more people watching, but the wind direction has completely changed.
"So Zhu Tong was beaten by Xiang Chuan for no reason? It's too miserable, isn't it? It's a disaster!"
"Xia Yang didn't explain when Zhu Tong was beaten? What was he thinking? What should I do if something went wrong?"
"Isn't it time to explain to Xiang Chuan? You know that Xiang Chuan is very reckless, and he doesn't listen to anyone's persuasion at all."
Someone whispered to explain for Xia Yang.

When the people in the second and third classes of high school heard this, they said coolly by the side: "If there is a chance to say something that wasn't intentional, he didn't have time to explain how he fell. He really can prioritize."
The high school senior was immediately speechless.
Xia Yang lowered his head and listened to the discussions around him, his face was blue and white for a while.
How did things become like this?
Since Zhu Tong transferred to Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, it seems that some things started to get out of control.
Xia Yang frowned, but he didn't forget what to do now.
He adjusted his mood and stepped forward, glanced at Zhu Tong in Shao Ming's arms, was about to apologize, and took the initiative to send someone to the hospital, when he heard the humane who supported Zhu Tong: "Are you done? Go to the hospital when you are done."
There was a hint of impatience on his face, the words were addressed to Zhu Tong, but his emotions were not.
But to Xia Yang who suddenly approached.
His emotions were too obvious, and Xia Yang froze in place for a while.
Zhu Tong rested in his arms for a while, confirmed that he could go, coughed twice, straightened up and said, "I want to rinse my mouth."
Mouth full of blood is disgusting.
Shao Ming looked at him with a complicated expression as he took out a small bottle of mouthwash from his pocket like a treasure pavilion.
After they finished rinsing their mouths, the two turned around together.
At this time, Xiang Chuan suddenly said, "You're leaving now?"
Shao Ming said coldly, "Don't worry, you won't just forget about hitting someone."
Xiang Chuan: "..."
He gritted his teeth and said, "You didn't see that Xia Yang was also injured? You know..."
I know he likes you!
He glanced at Xia Yang and said nothing.
Shao Ming turned his head in front.
Xia Yang also looked at him with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
Unexpectedly, Shao Ming raised his eyebrows: "I let him hurt?"
Xiang Chuan: "You..."
Shao Ming took his own words unmoved, "What's up with me then?"
After speaking, he turned and left without looking back.
Xia Yang stood there and looked at the back in front of him in disbelief.
How could Shao Ming say such a thing?
Doesn't that make it clear that he's being self-indulgent?
He didn't care if he was hurt or not!
Although Shao Ming rejected him in the past, he never embarrassed him in front of others.
Is it because of Zhu Tong?
Xia Yang bit her lower lip.
The injury that I fell on didn't hurt much anymore, but now it started to ache again.
He couldn't stand the sympathy or ridicule from the people around him, so he turned away from the pain in his knee.
Xiang Chuan wanted to catch up, but was stopped by the physical education teacher who arrived "in time".
Downstairs in the library of No. 1 Middle School, Lu Shiman, the head teacher of Class 1 and 1 of Senior 1, had just come downstairs when he bumped into Xia Yang who was going to run up to the roof of the library.
She subconsciously stopped him and said, "Xia Yang? Why are you here?"
Isn't the first class in gym class now?
Xia Yang paused, looked up and saw Lu Shiman, his eyes instantly turned red.
Lu Shiman was startled, "What's wrong? What happened?"
Xia Yang is a transfer student in her class. When she transferred, the Xia family specially invited her to visit her and asked her to take care of Xia Yang in the school.
If this person was wronged in school, how could she explain it to the Xia family?
Before Xia Yang could speak, Lu Shiman's cell phone rang. She answered the call, and her expression changed suddenly.
At the school gate, Shao Ming was walking outside the school with Zhu Tong.
Zhu Tong stopped: "You don't need to go to the hospital, just go to the school doctor's office."
Shao Ming looked at him and said, "I can't go to the hospital if I vomit blood? What should I do if I have internal injuries?"
Zhu Tong said: "No, it won't be too serious, I'll just take a rest."
With the affirmative look on his face, Shao Ming was curious for a moment, "How do you know not? Have you vomited blood before?"
Zhu Tong: "..."
Not just vomiting blood.
Still a regular meal.
He was silent, not knowing how to speak, and hesitated for a moment.
Shao Ming looked at his expression and thought in surprise: Have you really vomited blood?
Seeing him being silent, Shao Ming thought it was inconvenient for him to say, and said, "It's better to go to the hospital for a look. You are injured in physical education class. If something goes wrong, I, the sports committee, will be responsible."
Zhu Tong: "..."
Injured in physical education class, the responsibility is the physical education teacher and the person who injured him.
What's the matter with you?
While muttering, Zhu Tong couldn't help but smile again, no longer struggling to go to the hospital or the school doctor's office.
Anyway, the hospital is not far, and it is the same wherever you go.
After going to the hospital to sign up, the two of them sat in the hospital corridor and waited for the number to be called for a film examination.
Neither of them spoke.
After Shao Ming called Shi Wenshu to ask for leave, he held his mobile phone in his hand in a daze.
I don't know if I am feeling my handsomeness in front of the mirror phone case, or I am thinking of something else.
Zhu Tong talks to the system in his head.
He had a question in his mind.
"Are you sure Xia Yang is the heartthrob protagonist Shou?"
The system said: "OK."
Zhu Tong: "..."
He was even more puzzled.
"You... do you choose protagonists so casually?"
As the protagonist, you must have at least some basic character, right?
It's not that he has prejudice against Xia Yang, but today, when Xia Yang appeared in the tea in front of Xiang Chuan, he really couldn't connect Xia Yang with the kind and innocent protagonist Shou.
Strangely, after he asked this, the system did not respond for a long time.
Even the system is so ashamed that it doesn't dare to talk to him?
"what are you thinking?"
Someone touched his arm lightly, and Shao Ming didn't know when he recovered, and turned his head to look at him.
Shao Ming saw that he was stunned, eyes like a robot, and he wondered: "What's wrong?"
Zhu Tong blinked and shook his head: "It's okay."
Shao Ming: "..."
The response is too mechanical.
He couldn't help but smile, "You...you're not very high-spirited when you're beside the sink, why are you so quiet in front of me?"
Zhu Tong did not expect that one day someone would associate the words "high-spirited" with him.
A strange look flashed on his face: "I was..."
"I know." Shao Ming said, "You try to make it clear for yourself."
"You and Xia Yang, know each other before?"
He asked casually.
Zhu Tong paused and nodded: "The Xia family held a dinner party some time ago, and my dad took me there."
He was surrounded by gangsters on the side of the road last night. When Uncle Liu drove to pick him up, Shao Ming was not surprised at all.
At that time, Zhu Tong knew that Shao Ming had guessed his family background.
Zhu Tong does not think that family circumstances can have any impact on the relationship between classmates.
He will not deliberately tell others about his family, but he will not deliberately hide it.
As for his relationship with Zhu Tong, after today's "tit for tat", Shao Ming should not have any misunderstandings.
Shao Ming nodded solemnly and didn't ask any more questions.
The hallway was quiet.
Zhu Tong looked at the time, then looked at the examination room, got up and said, "I went to see if I..."
"You have the number in your hand, and the radio will call your name when it arrives."
Zhu Tong just left the chair and moved his butt back again.
Shao Ming looked at him funny and said, "Are you in a hurry?"
Zhu Tong said: "I have class in the afternoon."
Only students who have escaped from school have always managed to delay their return to school.
This is the first time see this kind of person who can't wait to go back to school.
Shao Ming said unexpectedly: "Want to go back to class? Why?"
Zhu Tong said: "The exam is coming soon, there are many things I don't understand."
Shao Ming's heart is complicated.
Seeing Zhu Tong's serious expression, he was really a little anxious, and suddenly he laughed and said, "You really came here for learning? Do you love learning so much?"
Zhu Tong: "..."
It's not just to get a wave of goodwill by relying on grades!
He said righteously: "Since I came to school, I still have to study hard."
Shao Ming: "..."
If you want to study hard, where is not study?
But if it wasn't for study, why did he come to Gongshui No. 1 Middle School?
Shao Ming smiled unconsciously when he thought of what the man at the sink had said to Xia Yang.
For whatever reason, he was really interesting.
He agreed: "You are right, you should study hard."
"Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability of 5%, and the current favorability of 10%."
Zhu Tong: "..."
Hearing the prompt sound in his head, Zhu Tong's eyes instantly lit up.
It turns out that studying hard can really convince Bai Yueguang!
The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-30 16:44:54~2021-10-01 16:18:18~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of wheat shop; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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