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Zhuo Yunan was recently participating in an outdoor reality show. There is a famous karst cave in City E. The show team set today's filming location in a karst cave. After the filming started, she was isolated from the world. Come out of the cave with another fellow actor.

Outside the cave is a suspension bridge, and a group of enthusiastic fans gathered under the suspension bridge. She waved her hands enthusiastically on the suspension bridge.

After leaving the karst cave and returning to the nanny car, Zhuo Yunan sighed in relief, opened the car door and asked, "Where's Kong Lu?"

The assistant next to her said, "Miss Kong Lu said it was too boring in the car, so she went shopping in the city by herself."

Zhuo Yunan frowned, "She has never been to City E before, why go shopping alone?"

The assistant said indifferently: "I guess it's just an excuse to go out. Sister Nan, you don't need to worry about her. Some people just don't have self-knowledge. Her parents insisted that you take her with you when recording the show. You don't know what the idea was? ? They just want to rub your camera and let their daughter show her face on your show, so that she can debut like you in the future, and they don't want to see what her daughter is like. I want to say, with Miss Kong Lu's temperament , if she makes her debut, she'll have to overturn within a month, so don't bother you again."

Zhuo Yunan said: "It's none of my business whether she makes a debut or not. I think she came to E City with me today, probably not for the purpose of appearing in the camera."

"Why don't you show up? Didn't you just ask you to introduce her in front of the director before the filming? I also wanted the show team to set up a special issue of family interaction, thanks to her being able to speak, when the show team is her home Right? The Kong family is not a famous family in City A, right? Miss Kong Lu is taking herself too seriously."

The assistant was indignant when he thought that the Kong family repeatedly wanted to use Zhuo Yunan to squeeze his daughter into the crew while filming.

Intuit shameless!

Zhuo Yunan did not speak.

What she was thinking about was the rumors she heard in City A during this period. Kong Lu asked about her blogging for the milk tea shop two days ago. Her uncle and the others would not think about it, and let Kong Lu go to Gongshui County to hook up. The little boy of Zhu's family, right?

She clarified for the milk tea shop that it was the owner's advice. She had never told anyone. She was only responsible for getting paid to do things.

But since the owner came out for a milk tea shop, it is enough to show that the background of this milk tea shop is not ordinary.

Even if it is an illegitimate child, it must be an illegitimate child with a higher status than the Kong family. What can Kong Lu get from the milk tea shop?

Knowing that someone else has a target but still want to stab in the bar, are you not afraid of humiliating yourself?

Zhuo Yunan was very tired for his family and relatives, and only hoped that his cousin would have some brains and not go to the milk tea shop to be ashamed.

As a result, as soon as she leaned down in the seat, she received a call.

Zhuo Yunan sat up without saying a word after listening to the phone, and opened the door to get out of the car.

The assistant said in surprise: "Sister Nan, where are you going? The program team will arrange for the guests to have dinner together immediately."

Zhuo Yunan didn't turn his head back and said, "The bowl is almost gone, what kind of food are you still eating!"

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