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Xia Yang booked a flight ticket overnight and rushed back to City A.

On the way to the airport in E city, Xia Yang couldn't help looking through the remarks on the Internet.

[The world is so big that there is no such thing as an illegitimate child who has preempted other people's lives for more than ten years, and came out to apologize! 】

[If you don't apologize, you should be smart and pack your bed and leave? Is the **** gone? 】

[One has to have self-knowledge, what life is what life is, and the life that is stolen will be returned sooner or later. 】

[Is there nothing wrong with illegitimate children? It's not something you can choose to be born, isn't it wrong to be an irresponsible parent? 】


The popularity of the public opinion about the illegitimate child has not yet subsided, and the online discussion of illegitimate children has intensified.

Xia Yang looked at the words "illegitimate child" on the phone, which could not be avoided, and could hardly imagine what kind of predicament he would face if he was dug up.

He can't be an illegitimate child!

He must not be an illegitimate child!

When I rushed back to Xia's house at ten o'clock in the evening, the gate of the villa was actually open.

Xia Yang couldn't wait to walk into the villa, and before he could find someone, he first heard his father's roar.

"Crazy, you are crazy! What do you want? Do you want to give your son a head start? Xia Yang was born so many years ago, you don't know what you did for him when he was not your son? You cared about him You haven't even seen him a few times. Now you are pretending to be deeply in love with a person you have never met in front of me? What do you want to do? Do you want shares? I tell you, you are delusional, what do you think What are you? You want to bring me down with just a few words?"

Xia Weiyi was furious in the living room.

Xiang Shuyi had no emotion for his anger and anger. She raised her head lightly and asked with a smile, "Xia Weiyi, do you really think that what you did more than ten years ago was so seamless?"

Xia Weiyi's face suddenly sank: "What do you mean?"

Xiang Shuyi lowered his head and rubbed his rounded nails, "You are greedy and arrogant, you won't choose, you won't take advantage of others for any small benefit, but you don't seem to be as good as I imagined. Losing his conscience, he actually allowed that child to survive."

Xia Weiyi stared at her: "You know?"

Xiang Shuyi smiled indifferently and did not answer.

Probably because there is really some special feeling between mother and son. As soon as she saw the child who had lost her bag, she felt that it was not her son.

Where has her son gone? She didn't want to look for it.

How can I get it back? Let the child grow up in a twisted family, perfectly grown to be what she loathes?

Or maybe it can't be found, the child has long since passed away when he didn't know what death was and didn't know the fear?

She didn't dare to look for it. She knew what her parents' purpose of marrying her into the Xia family was. Even if they knew what Xia Weiyi had done, they would still choose to leave things alone.

She was even more afraid that Xia Weiyi would jump off the wall and wipe out the child's last hope for life.

She was heartbroken and numb.

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