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Qi Sisi was the first friend Zhu Xin made after she went to high school. They have been in the same class since high school, and later signed up for the art class together. The two have similar interests and are the best friends to talk to.

In Zhu Xin's impression, Qi Sisi is sunny and lively, treats people kindly, always loves to joke with her, listens to her sharing happy things when she is happy, and stays by her side when she is depressed.

She never doubted her.

But how could it be so coincidental?

It was Sisi who called her to invite her out to the dinner.

Just leaving the box, she didn't just go to the bathroom, but to connect with other people.

Ten minutes ago, Qin Junhong entered the Changshengtian Club, and as soon as she came out of the bathroom, she was taken to this separate box by Qi Sisi.

He also brought her a drink.

Zhu Xin looked at the goblet she carefully pushed in front of him, and chuckled as usual: "This is?"

Qi Sisi said, "This drink is called Chasing Dreams, how about it? Isn't it beautiful?"

Zhu Xin: "…"

It's really beautiful, the shades of pink and blue intertwined and gradually layered, as unreal as a fantasy.

She nodded, held up the goblet, smiled and said, "But why did you think of preparing a surprise for me? Is today a special day?"

Qi Sisi said as a matter of course: "Today is the Lantern Festival! Actually, I wanted to ask you to come out during the Chinese New Year, but I know that you will definitely not come out when your brother comes back. The school will start soon, so I can't bring it here. The school will let you taste it? Even if it is non-alcoholic, the teacher will scold me to death. This is a new product designed by a professional beverage engineer, and no one has ever tasted it. I specially made it for you."


With the familiar expression and tone, Zhu Xin felt a little cold in her heart. She asked, "Sisi, how do you know my brother is not at home tonight?"

Qi Sisi was startled.

Zhu Xin said, "Why did you invite your classmates to dinner today?"

Qi Sisi blinked and said, "The Lantern Festival is rare, and didn't you say that your brother's boyfriend lives in your house now? You must not give them a little private space? You are a single dog... No, what's wrong with you, Xiao Xin? ? Why are you looking at me like that?"

She finally realized that something was wrong, and the smile on her face was a little stiff.

Zhu Xin looked at her emotionally.

When calling her out to play, Qi Sisi didn't mention her brother's participation in the party, and used it as an excuse not to disturb her "brother and sister-in-law" during the festival.

Does she really not know?

Qi Sisi's face was more dazed than nervous and guilty.

Zhu Xin didn't know if he was relieved or sighed, put down the goblet, and said directly: "Who prepared this cup?"

Qi Sisi: "Huh?"

Zhu Xin said: "Sisi, if you still take me as a friend, tell me."

Qi Sisi was a little surprised, and barely covered her mouth: "What are you talking about, Xiao Xin?"

Zhu Xin said impatiently: "This drink was not prepared by you at all."

Qi Sisi: "…"

Zhu Xin asked, "Who is it?"

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