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Zhu Xin returned to Zhu's house half an hour later than Zhu Shou Shan. At the banquet, Zhu Shou Shan, who was dumb and ate Huanglian, was furious as soon as he got home.

At the beginning, Qin Manwen would go up to persuade him, but after being slapped hard as a vent, he never dared to go forward again.

Zhu Shoushan angrily rebuked Qin Manwen and said, "If it wasn't for your son doing that kind of thing to Tongtong, and if it wasn't for him to let Jiang Wan come to the door, how could things become like this?"

If Qin Junhong hadn't entangled Zhu Tong, Cheng Qingsong would not have called the company to scold him, and he would not have agreed to marry in such a hurry to prove himself to the Cheng family.

If Qin Junhong hadn't introduced Zhu Tong to Jiang Wan, how could Jiang Wan have the chance to plot against him? Seeing Jiang Wan and Cheng Chen standing together at the banquet today, what else did he not understand?

Jiang Wan never thought of working with him at first!

They all look down on themselves and are calculating on themselves!

Now Liu Jianbai stepped in and put Zhu Tong and Zhu Xin under the protection of his wings. If this is what Cheng Qingsong meant, then the company... If the company has made a big mistake in the future, will he still care?

Xiaoxin is about to come of age. Among the people who have worked with him this year, many of them have hinted to him that the children in the family have a good relationship with Xiaoxin. He knows what they mean and is happy not to say it.

Those who are rushing to seek cooperation and marriage are not his choice targets.

His daughter deserves and deserves a better person, someone who can make his family better.

But now Liu Jianbai is in the crosshairs, although some people will worry that the cooperation between the two will bring them more pressure, but this is only temporary, he knows that Liu Jianbo will not cooperate with him, once others see this clearly, for the sake of small The person who came to please him will go directly to please Liu Jianbo, which will bring him immeasurable losses.

He has to do something.

After calming down, he took out his mobile phone and called Zhu Tong.

Before a phone call was made, the villa door suddenly opened.

The girl was still wearing the indigo-colored dress at the banquet, and walked into the villa elegantly and gracefully.

Zhu Shoushan's pupils shrank, and before he had time to be surprised, he saw a burly man following behind Xiao Xin.

That was the bodyguard that Mr. Cheng arranged for Xiaoxin.

Zhu Shoushan's eyes suddenly sank.

Qin Manwen is always a loving mother in front of Zhu Xin.

When she was neglected by Zhu Shoushan, Zhu Xin was all her hope. She once resented why Zhu Xin didn't call her after leaving home, but the resentment turned into resentment, and Zhu Xin was still her only hope.

She didn't care about the slap printed on her face by the birthday wishes, and walked to the door of the villa in three steps. She said in surprise, "Xiao Xin is back? Have you eaten yet? Aunt Qin asked someone to cook something for you..."

"No need for Aunt Qin." Zhu Xin interrupted her softly.

Qin Manwen froze slightly.

Zhu Xin said calmly, "I'll come back to pick up what my mother left behind, and I'll leave when I'm done."

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