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Jiang Wenhan's words seemed to have thrown a muffled thunder between the two of them.

You can eat and talk nonsense!

Zhu Tong raised his head, just in time to meet Shao Ming's gaze that was also looking at him, his heart jumped, and he stared back at the phone calmly: "Mr. Jiang, I haven't seen you before today."


Jiang Wenhan was suddenly silent.

Zhu Tong: "?"

Seeing Shao Ming like this, Zhu Tong suddenly panicked. Just when he wanted to hang up, Jiang Wenhan said, "Does your head still hurt?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It's better not to say it!

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes.

Tong Tong keenly turned into a mind-reading expert and read four words from his seemingly calm eyes: Are you so concerned?

He subconsciously said to the person on the phone, "What does this have to do with you?"

Ask what you should ask!

Unexpectedly, Jiang Wenhan said: "This has something to do with me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Want to be rough.

Hold back!

He seemed to understand what Jiang Wenhan wanted to say.

Jiang Wenhan said anxiously: "After I had a headache, something appeared in my mind, like a memory that didn't belong to me, how about you?"

Zhu Tong said, "I don't."

He only saw a few pictures that could not be put together, but in the few pictures, Jiang Wenhan did appear.

Not only Jiang Wenhan, but also several people he didn't know.

"What memory do you have?" Shao Ming said suddenly.

Zhu Tong raised his eyes in surprise, but he didn't expect that Shao Ming would take the initiative to ask, and he didn't interrupt.

On the phone, Jiang Wenhan didn't know if it was a distraction or a brain attack. The person who didn't hear the words changed and whispered: "I pursue you, but you don't seem to like me... Especially don't like me, I think about this memory now. Headache."

Zhu Tong didn't dare to speak, because the hand around his waist was constantly tightening.

Hearing him not speaking, Jiang Wenhan became even more anxious: "Do you know something?"

Zhu Tong said, "I don't know."

"Then don't you want to know?" Jiang Wenhan said on the phone: "You don't want to know why you have a headache? Don't you want to know why I have this memory? Don't you think what Xia Yang said is strange?"

How could Zhu Tong not want to know?

But he doesn't dare to know now!

He felt Shao Ming staring at him from the top of his head, and said stiffly, "I..."

Jiang Wenhan didn't listen to him at all, and said directly: "I want to see you."

Zhu Tong frowned suddenly: "Now?"

When is it now? It's almost morning!

Jiang Wenhan said: "Is it your arrangement for those people who are guarding outside Xia Yang's ward now? I'm going to the hospital now. We will meet at the hospital. Go to Xia Yang and make it clear. I'll be waiting for you at the hospital."

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