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Zhu Tong didn't tell Zhu Shoushan in advance about returning to City A to check, and he didn't even think about calling people.

Zhu Shoushan neglected him since he was a child. He used to receive a call from his father and Zhu Tong was still very calm, because he knew that a call would not last long and would hang up soon, but since the last time his father mentioned "new friend", he was somewhat conflicted with Zhu Shoushan's phone call.

Because the phone is certainly no longer a simple "greeting."

Since it has been decided to leave him alone, why can't it stick to the end?

Zhu Tong thought a little annoyed.

On the phone, Zhu Shoushan's voice was very gentle, "Tongtong, I heard that you have returned to City A? Where are you now? Why didn't you say hello to Dad when you came back?"

Zhu Tong calmly said: "In the hospital, I plan to tell you after the examination is over."

"In the hospital?" There was a pause on the phone, and then he asked, "When will the examination end?"


Don't even ask about the test results.

Also, every inspection, except worse, won't come up with anything new anyway.

Zhu Tong was a little indifferent and didn't tell him about his health.

He said lightly: "I don't know yet, there are still many inspections that have not been done."

"Really?" Zhu Shoushan was silent for a while, as if thinking about something, "Then tell me after you finish, and I will let someone pick you up."

Zhu Tong frowned slightly and said, "No need, I'll go back after the inspection..."

"Why in such a hurry?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

I see you seem to be in a hurry.

Zhu Tong was too lazy to go around in circles with him, and said directly: "Is there something wrong?"

Zhu Shoushan paused for a while, and didn't beat around the bush any more, "You finally came back. Three days later, there will be a birthday dinner at the Magic Sky Entertainment Club. Will you come with me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Birthday dinner? What is he going to do?

Zhu Shoushan said again: "The person who hosted the banquet is your mother's former good friend. She just came back from abroad this year. She called and said that she wanted to meet your brothers and sisters. There are classes in Xiaoxin's school, and you can't leave. If you want to If so, I'll take you to meet her."


Xiaoxin's school had classes and couldn't leave, but he also asked for leave to come back for an inspection.

Although his absence from school is the norm.

He didn't think it was "favoring one over the other", just that his father's attitude was strange.

Zhu Shoushan is a person with excellent face and strong self-esteem. In front of outsiders, he has always been a personable image, conscientious in work and responsible for his family.

His second marriage was to better take care of his children. Although he and his remarried wife could not be described as affectionate, they did not treat them badly, let alone betray them.

He has a successful career and good luck. Every time he encounters any risk in business, he can always turn a bad one into a good one.

But this is only what outsiders see. What outsiders don't know is that every time he turns bad luck into good luck, someone is helping him.

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