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Zhu Tong never expected that his exam would encounter Waterloo on the first multiple-choice question.

He held the test paper in one hand and the pen in the other, and the tip of the pen touched the upper left corner of the scratch paper, making a deep ink dot.


will not do.

It's okay, see the next question.

The first rule of the exam: In order to avoid wasting time, put the questions that have no clue first, and do what will be done first.

I wish the child to follow this rule and continue to do the problem.

During the exam, the classroom was always quieter than usual, with the sound of flipping the test papers and the rustling of the tip of the pen across the paper.

It took Shao Ming more than half an hour to complete the entire test paper, and at this time, he was playing with his pen boredly.

Because it was just a thorough examination, the scale was not very formal, the seats were not arranged according to the scores, but there was a little distance between the same table.

Shao Ming tilted his head slightly, and saw his "tablemate in front" bowing his head and thinking hard, his beautiful brows were slightly wrinkled.

A lot of calculation procedures were densely written on the scratch paper next to him, but the content on the answer sheet was scattered and sparse.

He seemed to be battling a big problem, suffering from being blocked.

When others are distressed, they either scratch their heads or bite the pen, or keep moving their hands to calm down the turmoil in their hearts.

But Zhu Tong is different.

He bit his lip.

His teeth lightly bit his lower lip, and a question was made by him to be extremely aggrieved.

Shao Ming watched from the side and slowly hooked his lips.

After a math test, Shao Ming rarely slept without finishing the questions, but watched the candidates next to him become an eggplant beaten by math.

When the exam was over, everyone around was busy answering answers, while Zhu Tong was in a daze holding his draft.

The second rule of the exam is that you must not find someone to answer the question after you have finished the question, especially those who are above the scumbag and below the academic master.

Because it affects the mood.

In the noisy classroom after the exam, the quiet students and transfer students became a beautiful sight.

Many people looked at their poised appearance and talked about it one after another.

"Zhu Tong is really a scholar, right? So calm after the exam?"

"This is what a scholar should look like, as stable as Mount Tai!"

"I have to say that Xue Shen and Zhu Tong are really handsome. They are so eye-catching."

"Tsk tsk, even being in a daze together is such a good match."


Zhu Tong couldn't hear other people's comments.

He comforted himself in his heart: it's okay, math is lost, and there are other subjects.

If mathematics hadn't discouraged him yet, the afternoon science and comprehensive study taught him how to be a man.

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