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Zhu Tong didn't understand it before, but I heard that most of the young people's feelings don't last.

The spirit of a young man, he wondered if everyone like him would imagine and plan the future when they like someone for granted. After being together, he never thought that the two would be separated again.

But what was Shao Ming thinking?

He is always absolutely rational, and emotionally he may be just as serious, but he must have also thought about the difficulties he may encounter in the future.

Some things that Zhu Tong took for granted were a kind of resistance to Shao Ming.

His family was a stress in itself.

"I have to do something." Zhu Tong said suddenly.

The system asks: "What to do?"

Zhu Tong got up and glanced in the living room, found his mobile phone, and then glanced in the direction of the bathroom. The dog took the mobile phone into his room obscenely.

If the favorability level is not at full value because of concerns, wouldn't he just eliminate his concerns?

After the phone was unlocked, the interface still stayed on the chat record with his cousin. Zhu Tong looked at the message, turned off WeChat, and made a call directly to his grandfather.

Cheng Qingsong was currently abroad and was on his way to go to the airport when he suddenly received a call from his grandson. The old man was overjoyed, but he didn't show the slightest sign and answered the phone calmly: "Tongtong, what's wrong?"

Calling so late, Zhu Tong was still a little nervous.

He clenched the phone tightly, "Grandpa, haven't you slept so late?"

Cheng Qingsong glanced at the bright sun outside the window, "It's still early."

Zhu Tong dryly said: "You are old, don't stay up all night all the time, it is not good for your health."

Cheng Qingsong was very useful, and his serious voice softened a lot, "Well, good."


The grandparents' phone calls fell silent.

The driver driving in front was stunned when he heard the old man's answer, and turned his head in surprise.

Only someone else nodded and said "yes" in front of Cheng Lao, and this was the first time I heard Cheng Lao should say "yes" to others.

The driver glanced in the rearview mirror, and even felt that the old man's expression was indescribably tense.

In fact, Zhu Tong was more tense than him.

My cousin said that my grandfather already knew about him and Shao Ming.

But why didn't the grandfather ask anything?

Grandpa didn't ask him what to say? Did he just say he was in a relationship with someone else?

Is it because you respect him so you don't ask, or do you think he's just playing around like those playboys?

This misunderstanding is not a good one.

Zhu Tong hesitated how to speak.

Cheng Qingsong was the first to break the silence: "Did you have a good holiday?"


Thinking of the bad things that happened in the milk tea shop, Zhu Tong really didn't feel good about his conscience and said that he had a good holiday, so he avoided the important and said lightly: "It's okay, I don't have many tasks today, I only did two papers."

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