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Don't be afraid of me.

Very light sentence, no emotion can be heard, but the action of embracing the person is cautious and can't hide.

Zhu Tong tilted his head slightly, the broken hair around his ears rubbed against each other, a little piercing his face, he wanted to raise his hand to push it away, but just moved, the person hugging him suddenly tightened his hand.


Who is afraid?

Zhu Tong felt a little prickly in his heart, not much pain, but unspeakably uncomfortable.

Shao Ming always wears a mask with a smile, no one knows what he is thinking, what he cares about or not, he is always introverted, no matter how big things can make his face a little anxious.

When he met Qiu Shaoping today, he was not impatient... nor was he irritable. Compared with his violent kicks, the expression on his face could be called calm.

After kicking someone, he didn't say a word of "warm-up", as if he almost beat someone to death, but it was as simple as he just beat a Yuan Shaozhou. On the way back, he was still thinking about joking, and when he was taking medicine, it was also a matter of time. face relaxed.

But now Shao Ming makes people feel very heavy.

He seemed to have suddenly unloaded all his strength and put all the weight on himself.

Does this man remember that he was a sick child?

Have you considered whether his small body can withstand this eighty-five weight?

But he was hugging so tightly that Zhu Tong couldn't push him away.

He sighed softly and said, "I'm not afraid of you."


"I'm afraid that if you beat someone up for good or bad, you have to take responsibility yourself. That person made it clear that he wanted to drag you along..."

After speaking for a while, Zhu Tong felt that his comfort seemed weak.

Qiu Shaoping angered Shao Ming like crazy, the purpose is obvious, he can know, Shao Ming can also know.

That person just wanted to drag Shao Ming to **** with him.

But in the face of someone like Qiu Shaoping, if you can't make him shut up, what else can you do?

Zhu Tong hesitated for a moment, put a hand on Shao Ming's back, and said frankly, "I'm not afraid of you."

The plain but firm words, like a gust of fresh wind blowing in the face, blew away the layers of fog that was pressing on the bottom of my heart.

After a long time, Shao Ming laughed softly, "Then you are quite brave."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The words were pressed against his neck, and the breath gushed in his sensitive neck, and he couldn't help shrinking.

Shao Ming suddenly said, "I wish you a child."

Unprepared to "call him by his first name", Zhu Tong was stunned, "Huh?"

Shao Ming said, "If I really killed someone today, what would you do?"

Thinking of this possibility, Zhu Tong frowned slightly and said, "You won't."

Shao Ming asked, "Why?"


Because in the original text you were fine until the end.

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