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B&B Zhutong only came here once at the beginning of the school year, and after that, he counted the gates and refused to enter.

Standing in the courtyard again, the unique courtyard scene will still make his eyes shine.

Shao Ming parked the bicycle behind him, saw him stunned in the yard, stepped forward and said, "Why don't you go in?"

Zhu Tong turned his head and said, "Where are you going?"

Shao Ming: "…"

He sighed and stepped forward to lead the way.

There are not many rooms in the homestay, there are only four accommodation rooms in total.

One single occupancy, one double occupancy, and two luxury suites upstairs.

Zhutong booked a single room when the school started.

Being brought into his rental house by Shao Ming, Zhu Tong glanced at the apartment with two bedrooms and one living room, and asked in confusion, "You... live alone?"

Shao Ming said: "Otherwise?"

Zhu Tong: "Why does one person rent a two-bedroom house?"

Will the rent be much more expensive?

Shao Ming looked at him like a curious baby, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Maybe I'm waiting for its other owner?"

Zhu Tong turned to look at him in surprise.

How long is this person planning to stay here?

Shao Ming is only in high school now, what kind of "another master" did he get in high school?

Unless puppy love.

But Shao Ming doesn't look like someone who would fall in love early.

His eyes were too "innocent", Shao Ming was a little helpless, and honestly said: "Because the living room of the double room is bigger."

Zhu Tong immediately put on a "so it is" expression.

Shao Ming: "…"

He felt complicated for a moment and pointed in one direction: "The bathroom is over there, go wash."

Zhu Tong nodded, then turned around and said, "I didn't bring any toiletries."

Shao Ming said: "Use mine first, there is a spare set in the bathroom cabinet."


In fact, Zhu Tong wanted to take a bath, but as time did not allow, he did not bring a change of clothes.

Walking into the bathroom, Zhu Tong looked at the environment habitually.

There is only one bathroom in the double dorm room, but the place is spacious enough, the shower room is separated by floor-to-ceiling glass, the washbasin is cleaned very well, the floor is dry and clean, and there is no uncomfortable place in sight.

Zhu Tong went to the sink to turn on the water and looked at his face reflected in the mirror.

He looked at it for a while, and felt that his complexion was much better.

It seems that the system reward is really useful.

But how did the favorability increase?

He was in so much pain last night that he was unconscious, and he didn't seem to have done anything to increase his favorability.

And his stomach hurts like a ghost, he should be very embarrassed, right?

...not out of sympathy?

Zhu Tong shook his head, too lazy to think about it.

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