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Zhu Tong looked at the smooth saddle on the snow-white horse. He wanted to try, but hesitantly: "Don't wear protective gear, don't you violate the rules?"

Shao Ming smiled and said: "The place to get the protective gear is not too far away. There will be no safety problems before you play. Don't worry, I will hold you."


Zhu Tong looked at the uncle who had just led the horse out of the stable.

The uncle was still complaining that the handsome boy's boyfriend was a "squeamish bag", but only after he came out did he realize that such a person who is so clean and out of the dust should be clean, how can he enter and leave a place like a stable?

The boy wearing a peaked cap in front of him has two words all over his body: exquisite.

A delicate boy should ride a delicate horse. He looks so good-looking. No wonder the handsome guy spoils him so much.

Zhu Tong proves with his strength that he can really do whatever he wants.

The uncle said: "It doesn't matter if you ride a short distance. There are professional equestrian athletes in our racecourse, and there are staff there to ensure your safety."

Zhu Tong was relieved, he glanced at Shao Ming again, imitating Rosso's way of getting on his horse, holding the rein with one hand, stepping on the stirrup with one foot, and straddling the back of the horse with one leg.

As a result, the legs passed, but the body did not go up, the center of gravity was unstable, and he fell sideways.

He let out a small exclamation, and suddenly the position of his arm was supported by someone, and he didn't see how hard Shao Ming was. He seemed to push him easily, and his crooked body instantly straightened back.

Zhu Tong swayed unsteadily on the horse's back, barely sitting still.

The suddenly high angle of view made his body tense subconsciously, but there was an indescribable novelty.

He took a deep breath.

Shao Ming raised his head slightly beside the horse, "How do you feel?"

Zhu Tong felt it for a while, then lowered his head and said, "It's very interesting."

"Let's go then."

Shao Ming smiled, patted the horse's back lightly, clenched the collar hoops tightly, and took the horse a step forward.

Zhu Tonggang's body swayed suddenly, and before he had time to get nervous, the back of his hand suddenly warmed.

Shao Ming held his hand gently, "It'll be alright, don't be nervous."


The temperature on the back of his hand and the familiar voice were like a reassurance pill, which relieved the tension in his body very well.

The horse moved forward slowly, making a slight kicking sound on the ground, and Zhu Tong was quickly distracted.

However, Shao Ming's attention was attracted by the hand in his palm.

Very white, very thin, and nice to the touch.

His heart sank slightly, and a slight smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

The two left the stable and passed the edge of the racecourse. The bright horses and bright people were quickly noticed by the people on the racecourse.

"Huh? There are such good-looking horses in the racecourse?"

"Who is the man on the horse? He looks so handsome."

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