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Finding someone to help clarify things didn't go as smoothly as Xia Yang thought.

Because of his wayward transfer, many people in City A knew about the conflict between him and his father.

He was able to help him, because his father's "instruction" refused to help him.

And some friends he knew well, because they were too risky to help him.

No one knows what is behind the people who are targeting the milk tea shop. If they don't get clarified, they will be beaten down and say that they are in trouble with the milk tea shop that sells poppy milk tea, and their future will be completely ruined!

When Xia Yang was distressed, someone took the initiative to contact him.

It was the person who came to talk to him when he was attending a banquet and said that he could find someone for him.

Someone helped, and someone he knew, Xia Yang didn't think much about it and accepted his help.

However, after two days of waiting, there was no news.

On the other hand, Zhu Tong also waited for two days.

Also no news.

what's the situation?

Can his cousin be reliable?

While Zhu Tong was doing his homework, he occasionally looked down at his phone.

Cheng Chen sent him a message.

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Your classmate is not simple.

Zhu Tong: ? ? ?

He gave his cousin a question mark back.

[Cheng Family Young Master Loves to Commit 2]: I asked someone to check, the person behind Xiao Mi is quite hidden. Who is your classmate offending?

Zhu Tong:…

Even my cousin said that people who hide deeply are definitely not ordinary people.

How could Shao Ming get involved with such a powerful person?

Zhu Tong asked the system in his brain: "Has Xia Yang met anyone recently?"

The system said: "According to the known data, no."


In short, Shao Ming will not take the initiative to provoke, and must be passively lying.

His troubled and troubled roommate.

Zhu Tong sighed and asked his cousin again.

[Wish]: Can you handle it?

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Crime II]: What does it mean to be able to handle "do"? You don't even have that bit of confidence in your cousin?


[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Wait.

Zhu Tong continued to wait.

I didn't wait for my cousin's "dealing", and I waited for the class cleaning.

"This clean-up is organized by the whole school. In addition to the classrooms and specific areas of the teaching building, the fork next to the cafeteria is also the cleaning scope of our class."

On the podium, Shi Wenshu spoke softly as always, "The monthly exam comes after the cleaning. The school arranges the cleaning at this time to give you a better test environment. The school will have a grading check, and the teacher hopes that you will take it seriously. "

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