2K 83 20

Zhu Tong didn't know what Shao Ming's feelings for his parents were. Judging from his few contacts, the relationship between mother and son is indeed not as harmonious and casual as that of mother and son in ordinary families. It's like... something is missing. .

But Shao Ming also said a few words to him, saying that his mother would apply medicine to him when he was injured, and would gently blow on his wound when he was afraid of pain.

This is what Shao Ming told him when he was giving him medicine.

Even if Shao Yujie took the initiative to distance herself from Shao Ming later, which resulted in a drop in her favorability, the 20% value was actually a bit low.

And Rosso.

The relationship between Luo Suo and Shao Ming is well-known in the school. On the first day of Zhu Tong's transfer, apart from paying attention to the mission objectives, the only two things that caught his attention were Yuan Shaozhou, who found fault, and Luo Suo, who spoke for him.

Rosso is loyal and cheerful. He is a very likable sunny boy. Every time we eat together outside of school, he chats next to him, which makes people unconsciously relax, and the atmosphere can be said to be very pleasant.

Shao Ming gets along with him more naturally and casually than others.

But Shao Ming's favorability value for him was only 30%.

Zhu Tongxiang: His own favorability for Rosso is more than that, okay?

Is Shao Ming being too insincere to his friends?

"Do you want to watch a few more, host?"

I wish Tongyi thought the same, the more reference objects, the more data available for analysis.

He looked at Lu Zheyu again.

Lu Zheyu: 30%.

With Rosso's buffer, Zhu Tong was not too surprised to see Lu Zheyu's value.

He wanted to check Shao Ming's other friends again, and suddenly paused.

Shao Ming's other friends... Does he have any other friends?

Shao Ming is very popular in the class, and he can chat with anyone. When playing basketball in physical education class, he is always the first person invited by the boys, and the girls often ask him questions.

But think about it carefully, among those who played with Shao Ming, did Shao Ming have any close contacts?

As if... none of them.

Zhu Tong suddenly caught something. Instead of looking for Shao Ming's "friends", he found a few people he was impressed by based on his own impressions.

The values ​​are displayed one by one on the system interface.

Shi Wenshu: 10%.

Tang Nuan: 10%.

Zou Ling (representative of physics class): 2%.

Chinese class representative: 0.

Tian Man: -5%.

Qiu Shaoping: -30%.

Zhu Tong: "…"


He shouldn't say that Shao Ming is not sincere to his friends. In contrast, the 30% value should not be too sincere!

So what is his current 75%?

Zhu Tong gradually blushed.


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