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The Xia family, the hostess who did not come home all year round, suddenly came home on New Year's Day this year.

Not only Xiang Shuyi, but also the two elders of the Xiang family were all sitting in the living room of the Xia family villa.

The servant poured tea for the three of them.

Mother Xiang sat on the sofa and looked upstairs, and asked in a sullen tone, "Where's the young master?"

Affected by the low air pressure in the living room, the servant was a little trembling when he spoke and did things.

Xiang's mother was instantly furious, "Meet a friend? What friend is more important than his mother? Call him and say that his grandparents are visiting him, and tell him to come back quickly!"

The maid looked puzzled: "This... we have already called, and the young master said... that he has something important and will come back later."


The teacup was slammed on the coffee table, and Mother Xiang's eyes widened, "Okay, okay! Xia Weiyi taught a good son, no wonder he has not let the child get close to us for so many years, and he brought back the lover from outside. Wild bastard! Unthankful thing! How dare he..."

Suddenly, a cane in Father Xiang's hand slammed into the ground, cutting off what Mother Xiang said out of his mouth.

Mother Xiang glanced at the servant next to her, her face changed slightly, she managed to calm down, and said to the servant, "Go out."

The servant nodded and left the living room as if he had been granted amnesty.

Mother Xiang looked at the woman who hadn't said a word since she entered the Xia's house, sitting on the sofa drinking tea leisurely, frowning slightly: "Shuyi, such a big thing, you haven't noticed it for so many years? "

Xiang Shuyi took a sip of tea, and then said in a low voice: "You let me marry, I married, you let me have a child, I gave birth, what else do you want me to notice?"


Mother Xiang was at a loss for words, and looked at her husband again.

Father Xiang was always calm, but the bulging blue veins on the back of the hand holding the cane betrayed him.

Father Xiang said solemnly, "Now is not the time to pursue these matters, Shuyi, what do you think?"

Xiang Shuyi said, "Divorce."

Xiang's mother's expression changed immediately: "How can it be done? The Xiang Xia family has been in a marriage for nearly 20 years. How many interests are involved? How can this marriage be divorced if you say it's divorced?"

Xiang Shuyi raised his eyes, "Benefits? How much does the Xia family share in the current interests? How much does the Xiang family get?"

Mother: "…"

I don't know since when, the Xia family has separated from the Xiang family to grow independently, and the marriage cannot maintain the mutual interests of the two families. In the past few years, the Xia family has done a lot to cross the river and demolish the bridge, and even in the eyes of some people, the Xiang family has already It became a company that depended on the life of the Xia family, and was laughed at behind the scenes.

Xiang's mother couldn't help but look at her daughter resentfully, "It's not because you're not up to your expectations? After getting married, tell me what you've been doing? Either you go out to fool around, or go home drunk, if you can manage with your heart In this marriage, does Wei Yi suspect that the child is not his own to do something to steal the pillars? If Yangyang is your son, how can it happen today? "

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