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Zhu Tong still pays great attention to expression management in front of his sister. After his face warmed, he quickly became serious: "Why are you a little girl asking about this?"

Zhu Xin solemnly reminded him: "We are twins, born on the same day, and I am a little girl, so what are you? You are in love early."

Zhu Tong: "…"

When he doesn't hate people, Zhu Tong can't be said by anyone.

He looked at Zhu Xin helplessly.

"Yes, that's the expression." The younger sister was suddenly excited, "And your serious look just now is so similar to your grandfather."


Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment.

Like your grandfather?

No one ever told him what he was like.

Not like my parents, but like my grandfather.

Thinking of Grandpa's serious face at all times, Zhu Tong looked strange, "Do you also talk like this in front of Grandpa?"

Zhu Xin nodded without feeling the slightest difference: "Yes, my grandfather is always reticent to talk, but every time I talk to him, I can feel that he is very happy."

Zhu Tong slightly curled his lips.

In this way, he does look like a grandfather.

In the past, he was hospitalized alone. Although he didn't seem to care, every time Xiao Xin came to see him, he was actually very happy.

Even if he had no other purpose at the beginning, it was a correct choice for him to send Xiao Xin to his grandfather.

Thinking of choices, Zhu Tong inevitably thought of Zhushou Mountain.

He smiled slightly, tilted his head and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Xin, do you want to go back?"

Zhu Xin's face was slightly stagnant, and then he shook his head: "Dad... he's doing fine now. I heard from the servant at home that he and Aunt Qin divorced. Every day is busier than before, and he hasn't gone back for a long time. "

He can be so busy, he must have something to do with his grandfather.

Grandpa didn't push him to a dead end, he just made him the same as his ideal... to be able to concentrate on his own work without any entanglement.

It's just that without the help of his grandfather, how far he can develop on his own is his own business.

Zhu Tong didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the subject and said, "I heard it? How can you hear it anywhere?"

Zhu Xin pretended to sigh, "Then what can I do? I'm bored at home alone, I have to find someone to talk to."

It is convenient to have a good relationship with the maid and to ask about anything.

Zhu Tong smiled again: "I'll talk to you in the future."

Zhu Xin immediately curled his lips, "I don't believe it. You have a sister-in-law now, how can you still have time to talk to me?"


"Hey, brother, you haven't answered me yet! How far are you?"

Zhu Tong became angry, "Don't ask about this."

Zhu Xin was satisfied to see his blushing, and leaned his body back to the seat again, and said obediently: "Okay, I won't ask, but my sister-in-law lives in our house now? Will my dinner be dog food?"

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