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The students in the teaching building are working hard in class, and the students in the two classes in the playground are running earnestly.

The side of the pool was relatively quiet, and suddenly a voice came out. Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, his hands still dipping under the faucet, and he turned to look.

This is incredible.

Under the sun, beside the moss and stones, the speaker seemed to be shining.

Bring your own filter?

Zhu Tong slightly frowned: "Xia Yang."

The person who came was Xia Yang.

Hearing him call out his name, Xia Yang froze for a moment, then smiled: "It seems that you still remember me."


I didn't remember it.

When the system gave him the popular science plot, he remembered it by the way.

But they seem to have only met more than a week ago. Where did it come from?

He glanced at Xia Yang lightly.

As the heartthrob protagonist in the book, Xia Yang's appearance is still stable.

He has soft black hair, almond eyes, a high nose bridge, fair skin as beautiful as porcelain, and his facial features are delicate and handsome.

But Zhu Tong didn't have the heart to admire his face.

He didn't want to have anything to do with heartthrobs.

After washing his hands in three or two, he turned around and left.

Xia Yang didn't expect him to walk so quickly, so he hurriedly reached out to stop him and said, "Zhu Tong."


Looking at the hand in front of him, Zhu Tong showed impatience and looked up at him: "Is something wrong?"

Xia Yang met his eyes and was stunned.

That look again.

This kind of lofty, disdainful look at anyone.

Xia Yang couldn't help but pursed his lips and still smiled: "Last time at my dinner party, I accidentally spilled wine on you. I always wanted to apologize to you."

I wish Tong did not speak.

Xia Yang said again: "At first they told me that the new transfer student was you, but I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be you. A place like Shui County…”

"This has something to do with you?" Zhu Tong lightly interrupted him.

However, there is no need to create such an atmosphere of reunion of old friends for the relationship that has been met at the banquet.

Xia Yang's face froze suddenly, and his smile was a little forced: "...I'm sorry."

Zhu Tong patiently said: "I received your apology, I will go first if there is nothing else."

He turned around to avoid Xia Yang and walked towards the place where Class Three gathered.

Hurry away.

It would be bad if Shao Ming saw that he and Xia Yang had misunderstood something together.

Explanation is also cumbersome.

He was full of "running", but he didn't expect the sudden change.

Seeing that he was leaving, Xia Yang followed up subconsciously, "Wait... ah!"

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