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How long have you known? Not long after returning from City A, his cousin told him.

It's just that he always thought that Shao Ming didn't know... What did he mean by suddenly asking?

Zhu Tong subconsciously said: "I didn't ask anyone to investigate you, it's my cousin..."

Shao Ming suddenly smiled.

Zhu Tong was stagnant.

"I know, you wouldn't do such a thing," Shao Ming said.

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Ming said again: "Then when did your cousin tell you?"

I wish you the truth.

Shao Ming raised his lips slightly: "Then why did your cousin tell you such a thing?"


Cheng Chen is Zhu Tong's cousin. When Zhu Tong entered the hospital, he informed him through Lu Zheyu's mouth. After hearing the rumors in City A, he secretly told Zhu Tong, and the news that he just saw... "Male Friends" three words.

After the tension towards the elders was relieved, the sweetness that seemed to be like honey has been sweet to the heart.

Zhu Tong was still thinking about why his cousin told him this, but just after he figured it out, he heard Shao Ming say: "You're not kind, young master, how could you not let me, the client, know about this kind of thing you gave me? "


Zhu Tong was caught off guard by the word "name" and explained, "I didn't tell my cousin, it was my cousin who discovered it..."

"Then you deny it?"

Zhu Tong paused for a moment and asked in doubt, "Why deny it?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Whether it is puppy love, whether the object of puppy love is someone like him, if it is someone else, I will try my best to hide it from my family.

Only Zhu Tong has no sense of crisis in this matter.

Maybe it's not that he doesn't have a sense of crisis, he doesn't have the concept of "crisis" at all in his heart.

He was the only "participant" who was nervous.

Shao Ming felt helpless and looked at Zhu Tong with complicated eyes.

Zhu Tong didn't know why, he just felt a little embarrassed that the two looked at each other silently, forcibly pulled back the topic and said, "Then... how long have you known?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "What do you mean?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It refers to the fact that he knew that he was an illegitimate child, or the matter that he heard rumors of City A.

Zhu Tong said seriously: "I want to know."

Shao Ming pursed his lower lip and said, "In terms of rumors, when we left City A, we probably knew that he would do that."

Zhu Tong Wei was stunned: "You knew so early?"

Shao Ming: "Well, I knew it earlier than you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He's not showing his will to win.

Why did Shao Ming know so early? He must have a certain understanding of other people's behavior. In this way, Shao Ming's father had already approached Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong looked at him hesitantly.

Shao Ming said: "What do you want to say?"

Zhu Tongxin said he didn't know what to say.

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