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When Qiu Shaoping received news from Shao Yuhan in the hospital, he felt an unprecedented anger.

The news received said that Shao Ming's father in City A had someone come to him, and that person planned to bring their mother and son back to City A.

Take it back to City A? how is this possible?

What kind of life did he live in the five years he lost his freedom? It doesn't matter how hard it is, he will go out one day, everything he has destroyed, everything destroyed by a little cub, he will give back a hundredfold to the mother and child, and he will make them restless for the rest of their lives!

But now someone is telling him that they are going, they are going to get rid of themselves?

ungrateful stuff!

Back then, that **** had nowhere to go. It was he who took in her and the wild seed in his stomach, and it was he who raised that little brat, but how could there be something unearned in the world? They have received their own favor, and they deserve to repay him.

But that **** disliked him and hooked up with the guests in the bar. That kid didn't know how to be grateful, so he dared to rebel against him, and even joined the police to deal with him!

They made his flaws public, they made him a joke in the neighborhood, they made him scolded by everyone, they made him go to jail...

He has nothing now, how can the people who harmed him be so happy?

Do you still want to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors and go back to enjoy the glory and wealth?


Shao Ming was raised by him and his son. If his purpose is not achieved, he will not let others get their wish if he destroys them!

He knew that someone in the hospital was watching him, besides the police at the police station, there were other people. He had long suspected who was watching him until he received a message from Shao Yuhan. He believed Shao Yuhan's words and was firm. He thought that the person watching him was arranged by Shao Ming's biological father.

Really responsible and considerate.

Qiu Shaoping felt jealous in his heart and became more and more distorted.

During the two days he was in the hospital, he had been very calm. He told the police and the people who were watching him to relax their vigilance. He remembered the time and place that Shao Yuhan told him. Opportunity sneaks out of the hospital.

Outside the cafe, he saw the people from City A with arrogance on his face, and his eyes were full of contempt and contempt for the small city.

They are so high above, and now he is like dust in the mud, how can he tolerate the cub he raised to climb to a higher place than him?

He hardly hesitated, wanting to pull people to hell!

However, it was destroyed by someone who suddenly rushed up.

Who was blocking the sword for Shao Ming?

Who was the one who suddenly kicked him?

Why does everyone have to get in his way? Why is everyone against him?

Damn them all! All be damned!

Qiu Shaoping frantically wanted to get up again, but blood kept pouring out of his throat, and finally passed out from exhaustion.

In the cafe, the few customers stared at the cafe door with wide eyes, and there was a person with his back against the glass door.

The man didn't help, nor was he panicked. He stayed out of the way when Qiu Shaoping rushed out, and watched with cold eyes until he saw Uncle Liu appear.

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