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Tang Nuan was originally out of pure concern, but only after asking did he realize that he was no longer fighting for himself.

She and Zhu Tong were stunned together, then turned to look at the other party.

Shao Ming no longer looked at them, but was flipping through something with his mobile phone, but his fingers paused, and he smiled lightly: "Well, the photos are quite good."

Zhu Tong: "?"

He tilted his head and glanced at it, and said in surprise, "How could you have this group?"

Shao Ming said casually: "The new group made up the number, I don't know who was pulled in."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Didn't Shao Ming see all the content posted there?


Zhu Tong paused and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Shao Ming said: "Angry? Why?"

Zhu Tong: "Just... just what they said..."

Shao Ming: "What did they say?"


Zhu Tong suddenly stopped.

Tang Nuan in the front seat has been keenly aware of something, he looked at Zhu Tong who was a little helpless, and then looked at Shao Ming who was calm and composed, his eyes showed a little clarity.

She turned her body back in silence, her ears pricked up with her back to them.

Zhu Tong didn't know that his "comrade-in-arms" had slipped away, thinking about the remarks he just saw on Tang Nuan's phone... He couldn't say it.

"Please be sure to take it back to the sauce? This sentence?"


Zhu Tong widened his eyes in shock.

He even read it out!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shao Ming smiled again: "Is it still a good match for two men?"


"I'm so crazy."

"This skillful posture is often done at first glance. Learning from God is good for physical strength."

"The princess hugs and kills me, please slap me hard with sweeter dog food."

Shao Ming's tone was calm, his voice was very light, and he read with no passion, but judging from the corners of his mouth that kept rising, he was clearly in a good mood.

Zhu Tong didn't know what to say anymore.

Shao Ming continued: "This close-together position, learn from the gods..."

Reading stopped suddenly.

If the latter words are published on a formal platform, it is estimated that they will be spoken of.

No matter how thick-skinned Shao Ming was, he was too embarrassed to read it out completely. He let out a "cough", put away his phone, looked at a certain young master who had been completely sluggish, and commented seriously, "These people are quite interesting."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Where are these people interesting?

Shao Ming approached him and said, "Are you angry?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously said, "Why am I angry..."

"Yeah, you are not angry, why should I be angry?"


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