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Zhu Tong didn't know how long he had been kissed against the door frame, so long that he was a little unsteady on his own.

His legs are weak.

When they parted, Shao Ming wiped his lips with his fingertips, his eyes darkened, and his voice was hoarse: "It's a little swollen."


"Your skin is too tender and easily congested."

Zhu Tong was a little embarrassed to say this in such a serious manner, lowered his eyes slightly, licked his lips and said, "It's okay."

No one else can see it.

He knew that Shao Ming was measured.

After living here, Shao Ming has always been very measured.

After all, there are servants at home, and he has to meet people.

Then he heard Shao Ming continue: "Not only here, but also in other places. If you are not careful, you will leave traces."

So he didn't dare to touch it for a while.

Shao Ming's hand went down and landed on Zhu Tong's fair neck, rubbing lightly with a hint of meaning.

Zhu Tong couldn't help shrinking, shivering and numb as if a circuit was buried under his skin.

"Go back to school soon."

Zhu Tong knew what he was worrying about and what he was thinking, as well as himself.

Shao Ming rubbed his fingertips on his neck for a while, then lowered his head and asked, "Huh? What's wrong with going back to school?"


Seeing that he started to act stupid again, Zhu Tong glared at him weakly: "You..."

Shao Ming said, "Is the young master planning to repay the debt?"

Zhu Tong also pretended to be stupid, "What debt do I pay?"

"Love Debt."


Shao Ming roguely wrapped his arms around his waist and pressed the person into his arms. He had reason and reason: "You still have a pile of IOUs with me? Young master, do you want to default on your debt?"

Zhu Tong stretched out his hand to cover his face that kept sticking to him, "That's obviously your own opinion..."

Said Zhu Tong's eyes.

He had closed his eyes when they kissed just now, but he didn't realize that there was a faint blue shadow in Shao Ming's eyes.

Thinking of Shao Ming's busy days and nights these days, most of the charm in his heart has dissipated. Zhu Tong felt a little distressed, and reached out to touch the corner of his eyes, "You have dark circles under your eyes."

Shao Ming immediately took out his phone and took a photo with the phone case, and then said indifferently, "It's okay, it's not ugly."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It turns out that his face is more important than his body!

Zhu Tong pushed him and said, "Go take a bath and take a rest. I'll call you when dinner is ready."

But without pushing, Shao Ming suddenly hugged him, as if lying, "I don't want to sleep."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Zhu Tong worried: "Can't you sleep?"

After the brain is overworked, it is indeed easy to cause insomnia.

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