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Before the exam, Zhu Tong was called by Shi Wenshu to the office.

Shi Wenshu has always admired Zhu Tong, a student. Although he is not in good health, he has never given up his efforts. He has done well in class and homework. There is only one thing... Shi Wenshu is simply It was because he was afraid of the stubborn and hard to refute principle of his exam questions.

Although Shao Ming had already promised it, it was better for him to confirm it just in case.

"How has your body been recently?"

This is probably the question that Zhu Tong has been asked the most since he returned from the re-examination in City A.

He felt a little warm in his heart and said softly, "It's much better."

Shi Wenshu said: "That's good, but you still need to pay more attention. There is no air conditioner in the classroom. During the exam, you should keep warm and don't catch a cold."

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Shi Wenshu glanced at him again and saw that his face was really good, so he went to the main topic: "then about the final exam, I know you may not care about your grades that much, but your grades are the proof of your hard work in a semester, yes You go home from vacation to show your academic achievements to your family, every point of your grades, every bit of progress is a relief for your family, they will be proud of you, so you should also do your best To respond to the family's expectations, are you right?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

But he didn't think his family expected anything from him.

In fact, when Zhu Tong came to the office, he knew what Teacher Shi wanted to tell him, and he said directly: "Teacher, I will try to fill the answer sheet as much as possible for this final exam."

Shi Wenshu was slightly stunned.

He hasn't started to play yet, how can this kid be so transparent?

Awareness has become so high?

Shi Wenshu immediately said: "That's right, no matter whether you can do the question or not, as long as you get the score by your own ability, even if it's just a step score, that's your score, the same is true for multiple-choice questions, and luck is also powerful. In part, choosing the right one based on feeling is also based on knowledge.”


Zhu Tongchang heard in the class that if Teacher Shi started talking, it would be more intolerable than Tang Sanzang chanting scriptures.

He didn't think about it before, but now he sees it.

But even if Teacher Shi didn't tell him, he wouldn't give up any luck in this exam.

Zhu Tong said, "I see, Teacher Shi."

Shi Wenshu nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then go and prepare for the exam."

Zhu Tong nodded again.

He turned and walked out of the office, Shi Wenshu looked at his back with a look of relief.

At this time, a teacher at the table next to him said, "Mr. Shi, I heard that this student in your class has an unusual relationship with Shao Ming."

"Shao Ming?" Shi Wenshu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "The two of them are at the same table, and they are also renting together outside the school. The relationship is very good."

"I mean..." The teacher at the next table hesitated, "I heard that they are always together even on weekends."

"Really?" Shi Wenshu showed his surprise, and soon he looked surprised again: "That's really good."

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