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In front of the counter, Shao Ming watched one eye-catching comment after another on the computer screen, his expression always calm.

He even moved the mouse casually, refreshed the interface, and there were several new comments.

"Damn, it must be that **** Yuan Shaozhou who is doing tricks behind his back!"

Rosso couldn't help cursing.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming, then stared back at the computer, frowning: "When did this start?"

Luo Suo said: "Just now, I knew that the surname Yuan was going to be a moth today. I have been staring at the computer today."


Zhu Tong couldn't help but squinted.

I thought that all Yuan Shaozhou people had been admitted to the hospital, and the hospitalization time should stop.

Didn't expect it to come out like this again.

A large number of such remarks are published on this kind of public platform. If others see it, not only will the store not be able to open, but even the daily life of Shao Ming and his mother will be affected, and it will even be difficult to continue living in this city. go down!

Yuan Shaozhou targeted Shao Ming simply because Xia Yang liked Shao Ming, but this kind of thing was not Shao Ming's fault from beginning to end.

Is it necessary to do this just because of this?

Is this something a high school student can do?

It's too much!

Zhu Tong slowly clasped his hands.

Shao Ming watched for a while, then moved his gaze to Zhu Tong's face.

He was suddenly curious, wondering how his tablemates would react when they saw such "conclusive" remarks?

would be surprised? Curious?

Will you secretly measure his reaction? Will you dislike doubt? Or just want to ask something?

But none.

When Shao Ming looked over, Zhu Tong was staring at the computer screen.

He frowned slightly, and his breathing became much faster than usual.

There were obviously no major emotional fluctuations on his face, but Shao Ming suddenly saw his angry look on his face.

Is he actually angry?

Angry about something in someone else's home?

This person's reaction seems to always be able to jump out of his expectations.

Shao Ming's lips curled up uncontrollably.

When Rosso turned his head, he just bumped into his smile, and suddenly said in surprise, "Your eyebrows are on fire, are you still smiling?"

Shao Ming said: "Don't be afraid, the eyebrows can still be tattooed."

Rosso: "???"

Who told you about tattooing eyebrows?

However, Shao Ming was always in a hurry.

Rosso hurriedly asked, "What should I do now?"

Shao Ming said: "Yes, what should we do now?"

Rosso: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong looked at Rosso, who was agitated, and Shao Ming, who was always idle. He couldn't help thinking: whose shop is this?

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