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On the floor of the hall, the wine table that had been neatly arranged had been knocked upside down by the large movements of several people, and most of the guests on the table were scared away.

Lu Zheyu retracted the leg that was still stepping on someone's face, turned around expressionlessly, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Zhu Tong looked at the lightness of the cloud that he did not take away a cloud with a wave of his hand, and thought that this person is really a ruthless person.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming smiled at him: "Let's go."

People were also beaten and angry, and it seemed that there was really nothing to say.

These people are obviously deliberately provocative.

When they were just fighting, Zhu Tong heard some discussions around. These people seemed to belong to a band, or a band formed after a minor dropped out of school. Listening to what they said, it seemed that when they were doing theme music selection in a bar, they And Lu Zheyu is a competitor.

As a result, they were not reconciled after their defeat, and deliberately chose a new song to try to sing to make trouble.

Not in the mood to care about these people who couldn't afford to lose, he turned around and was about to go back to the box, but a man with a bruised nose and a swollen face lying on the ground got up again and said, "Lu Zheyu, are you so embarrassed that you're angry? Don't need a bitch, you are so embarrassed to go back to school, haha, do your friends know about your bad things in the past?"

Lu Zheyu's footsteps stopped, his face remained unchanged, and he turned back again, in a posture that he was going to beat someone again.

The man didn't know what was going on, but he was still very excited to see him looking back, "What? You can't speak? You can only do it? You hit me, if you kill me today, I will say, you are You won't deserve the bonus by using improper means!"

"Have you never thought that he hit you just because you owe him a hit?"

Lu Zheyu's well-prepared kick hadn't kicked out yet, and Zhu Tong suddenly spoke up.

The face of the man with the earrings smirking froze.

Shao Ming looked down at the person who had taken a step forward from his side. Rosso was slightly startled and was about to step forward to pull the person back when Shao Ming raised his hand to stop him.

Rosso turned his head in puzzlement, and saw Shao Ming's mouth curved into a smile of interest.


Zhu Tong looked at the man with ear studs and said, "Because of a person like you, it's very hard to watch."


The man with ear studs looked at Zhu Tong, making sure that he had never seen him when they were fighting, and he looked weak and sneered: "What? …”

"Only people with a dirty heart will think of others with dirty thoughts." Zhu Tong said.

The man with the ear stud was stunned for a moment, then said angrily, "Who the **** are you calling dirty? What I said is the truth, who doesn't know Lu Zheyu..."

"I don't know." Zhu Tong said, "I know him because of his good academic performance. As you said, if a student with a comprehensive score of over 700 is embarrassed to go back to school, then you are a minor. Should people who can't even go to school hang themselves when they see the school?"

It is good for minors to have dreams, but it is not good to smear and trample on others for their dreams.


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