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Zhu Tong escaped the catastrophe that night because of two people living in two separate places. After the system indicated the progress, he waited for a while before he received a voice reply from Shao Ming.

"Good night, my little master."

It was similar to the speech he heard when he fell asleep in the few nights he just returned to City A, except that a personal pronoun was added before the special title.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or not, Shao Ming lowered his voice, which was a bit more provocative than the previous playfulness.

Zhu Tong heard his heart beat, and replied by typing: I really slept this time, good night.

Shao Ming didn't reply, he looked at the chat records of the two for a while, and changed the remarks that had not been touched.

Two days later, the competition Shao Ming and the others participated in ended the rematch. After Zhu Tong accompanied his sister for two days, on the second day after the competition, he flew back to City E with the competition team, and went back to Gongshui County by car together.

Lu Zheyu walked with them, but he slept almost from the beginning to the end. When he couldn't sleep, he saw some of Shao Ming's actions that crossed the line, and he just pretended not to see it.

Zhu Tong felt that Lu Zheyu might already know about him and Shao Ming.

After returning to Gongshui County, the contestants who participated in the competition first had to go back to school to report, and Zhu Tong also went back to school with him.

He had been away from school for a long time this time, and he was a little nervous when he entered the classroom.

In the past, when he returned to school after taking a leave of absence, he would always receive some strange glances. The classroom would become quiet because of his appearance, and then began to whisper about him.

The current school is different from the previous school, but Zhu Tong is still uneasy.

"What's the matter? Are you timid?"

Seeing him standing at the door of the classroom and not leaving, Shao Ming put his hand on his back lightly.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that Shao Ming's description was... **** appropriate.

He shook his head and stepped into the classroom.

It's recess now, and the classroom is very noisy.

Suddenly someone came in at the door of the classroom, and as Zhu Tong expected, the classroom was silent for a moment.

An uproar broke out immediately.

"Fuck, I don't have dazzling eyes? Who is at the door of the classroom?"

"It's Zhutong and Xueshen, they're finally back?"

"If I don't come back, I'll have to wonder if they eloped."

"Has no one seen the second child of Lu? I can't have a name for a movie of three people?"


The noise in the classroom resumed.

In the corridor, Lu Zheyu didn't seem to plan to enter the classroom. He glanced at the office and said, "I'll go to the office first, you'll come later?"

The words were addressed to Shao Ming, and Zhu Tong also heard it.

Just as Shao Ming was about to nod his head, Zhu Tong had already turned his head and said, "Go to the office first, didn't Teacher Shi just call and ask when he got off the plane?"

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