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Half an hour ago, Zhu's villa.

Because of the house, Zhu Shoushan was furious at home, but Qin Manwen killed her with one bite. She didn't know about buying a house.

Zhu Shoushan never trusted them. The most taboo thing was that they kept his property behind his back. After Zhu Tong's incident, his precaution was heavier than before. At this stall, when he suddenly learned about the house, he would definitely chase after him. Get to the bottom of it.

"The money was swiped from your card and you said you didn't know it?"

Zhu Shoushan has completely disbelieved the same rhetoric as Qin Junhong before.

When I was about to call someone to investigate, someone suddenly walked in at the gate and said loudly, "My mother really didn't know about this. My uncle and I bought the house."

Qin Junhong stood at the gate and took a deep breath before continuing to walk in.

Zhu Shoushan's face suddenly sank, "You admit it?"

Qin Manwen also stood up from the sofa, his eyes were still red, he said "unbelievably", "Junhong?"

Qin Junhong said, "What if I admit it? I bought the house originally. I want to leave a way out for my mother. What's wrong?"

Zhu Shoushan frowned and said, "The way back?"

Qin Junhong glanced at Qin Manwen, and suddenly smiled: "Uncle Zhu, it's only a few million houses. It's worth your anger towards my mother? Isn't she your wife?"


"Since my mother married you, what have you given her? What have you bought her? Clothes? Jewelry? None! Yes, you gave her a card and let her buy whatever she wants, But do you really trust her to buy it? Two years ago, you even had to ask my mother and other aunties to buy a bag worth hundreds of thousands. Who did she buy the bag for? To save face for you! Yes! To let outsiders know how good you are to her!"

Qin Junhong changed his normal behavior and made a preemptive strike when he entered the door.

Up to now, the matter of the house is unclear, and they have to have someone to take care of it.

Seeing Zhu Shoushan stunned, he continued: "But are you really good to her? Have you ever cared about her for so many years? The ill son has to take care of your daughter. She takes Xiaoxin to see a doctor and accompanies Xiaoxin to various tutoring classes. She has never been so attentive to me. How did she feel sorry for you? But how did you treat her? ?You thought that you gave her a marriage certificate and a card, and you could use her as a matter of course and throw her everything you don't want to do at home, she is your wife, not yours nanny!"

Qin Junhong was almost hysterical.

Zhu Shoushan was trembling with anger, pointed at him and said, "You..."

"Yes, I bought that suite behind your back." Qin Junhong said, "I feel injustice because of my mother! She loves you, she doesn't care how you treat her, but I can't care less, I did something wrong. It doesn't matter if you hit or scold me, anyway, I'm not your own, you married my mother for your children, but my mother married you because she liked you, and I was afraid she would pay for you For the rest of your life, you will be suspicious of her in the end and suspect that she has bad intentions, and maybe you will be kicked out of the house at some point! What happened to me secretly buying a suite for her? What happened!"

Zhu Shoushan was choked by him.

His breath fluctuated violently.

Qin Manwen stood up again and said: "Junhong! How can you say such a thing? Without your uncle Zhu, can you have your current life? Without him, can you go to such a good university and such a good job? How can you do such a good job? This kind of thing? You...why are you so dissatisfied!"

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