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Zhu Tong didn't have time to think about anything else, because the people in front of him were still waiting eagerly.

It's really eye-catching.

Because Shao Ming is taller than him, he usually looks down at him, or sits and looks at him, or presses on him... Cough, in short, it is rare to look up at him from the bottom up like this.

Looking at Shao Ming from such an angle, there is a different kind of freshness.

Zhu Tong tactically cleared his throat and continued: "Because the world we live in is not an ordinary world."


After opening his head, Zhu Tong didn't dare to stare at Shao Ming's eyes again.

He lowered his eyes and began to narrate in an orderly manner, from the emergence of the system, to the worldview that the system gave him popular science, to his transfer to another school in order to continue his life, even including what he just discovered, there may also be systematic things in Xia Yang. Mission, he said everything he could.

After he finished speaking, he continued to lower his eyes, his heart was pounding, and he felt uncontrollably nervous.

He was nervous about how Shao Ming would react.

Different from the fact that he had the system in his mind when he received the information, the existence of the system convinced him of the information he had learned, but Shao Ming had nothing now.

Although Shao Ming said that he would believe him, Shao Ming may just choose to trust him unconditionally out of respect, and he may not believe in him subconsciously.

But Xia Yang's abnormality was noticed by Shao Ming himself... He should believe it, right?

Maybe he just needs time to digest the information?

I wish you patiently waiting.

A few seconds later, he heard Shao Ming say, "So what mission did you transfer here for?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He raised his eyes suddenly and bumped into Shao Ming's dark eyes.

He was stunned for a while, then asked, "You... do you have any other questions to ask?"

Why is opening up such a sharp question?

Shao Ming said calmly, "No."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why not? Aren't you just curious about Xia Yang's unusual curiosity, so much that he has a splitting headache and refuses to stop thinking?

He just said so much, there should be a lot of problems that can be expanded.

The system said, "It seems that he only cares about issues related to you."


Congratulations to Tongmo.

So he just said so much, what is the world like, how outrageous the existence of the system is, and what is abnormal on Xia Yang...isn't it important to Shao Ming?

All he cares about is what his mission is.

He only cares about Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong's heart was sweet and astringent, he lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you this."

Shao Ming cares about him, and he also cares about Shao Ming.

So I don't want Shao Ming to blame himself for the task, he will definitely blame himself.

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