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Zhu Tong is holding a piece of braised pork in his hand.

At a round table, he and Shao Ming sat next to each other.

So Shao Ming was surrounded, and he was forced to become a member of the besieged.

A box with little space suddenly became crowded because several big and tall people rushed in.

Some of the guests who ate outside the box had already put their bowls away, while others were still looking inside through the open box door.

Zhu Tong looked up at the people in the box and saw a familiar face - Yuan Shaozhou.

He turned his head to look at Shao Ming again and saw that he was unmoved, so he put the braised pork into his mouth without hesitation.

A group of people who are ignored: "..."

"Shao Ming!"

Someone screamed with a livid face.

Zhu Tong turned his head and said, "I'm looking for you."

Shao Ming smiled: "Well, I heard."


If they were alone, Rosso sneered, "Yuan Shaozhou, can't you afford to eat? Come to our brother Ming to help you? What? The family is bankrupt?"

"My family is very good." Yuan Shaozhou gave Rosso a cold look, "Some people, I'm afraid they really can't afford to eat, right?"

He said and looked at Shao Ming again.

Seeing the smugness on his face, Rosso frowned and said, "What do you mean?"

"Yo, you don't know yet?" A person next to Yuan Shaozhou pretended to be surprised, "He, Shao Ming, our respected scholar, the milk tea shop at home was reported to have poppy ingredients in the ingredients, and he is under investigation. ."

"I heard that the people who claim compensation are almost crowding out the milk tea shop. I don't know that there are so many people. The Xueshen's family can't afford it."

"Why can't you afford to be afraid? His mother is amazing!"

When the people around you said something to me, Yuan Shaozhou smiled smugly and let them play.

Several people around him were specially called by him to ridicule Shao Ming.

Say a hundred dollars.

Several people barked like mad dogs.

"I heard that Xue Shen's mother gave birth to him at the age of eighteen, and ended up marrying an old man in his forties. Tsk, this taste is really unique."

"I also heard that the old man went to prison a few years ago, and immediately opened a milk tea shop in the school of the gods, and I don't know where the money came from..."

"You **** said enough!"

Before Shao Ming was angry, Rosso suddenly burst into flames, and he was about to smash someone when he picked up his chair.

Shao Ming raised his hand to stop him.

Rosso said angrily, "Brother Ming!"

Zhu Tong was overwhelmed by the sudden amount of information, and he could hear how exaggerated the words were.

He was about to speak, when a sudden smell of smoke choked his nose.

Yuan Shaozhou didn't know when he sat next to him, lit a cigarette with one hand, took a sip, put his hand on the back of the seat behind Zhu Tong, and said with a smile, "Shao Ming, I kindly come to report to you, Won't you express it?"

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