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The sudden slap slapped Qin Junhong who wanted to explain, and the maids who were standing in the living room exited the villa one after another and closed the door of the villa tightly.

Qin Junhong was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Zhushoushan, and said in disbelief, "Uncle Zhu?"

Zhu Shoushan slapped him and was still not relieved. Seeing that Qin Junhong was just about to reprimand, there was a rush of footsteps on the stairs, and a woman heard the movement and ran down.

"What's going on here?"

Qin Manwen saw Zhu Shoushan's face full of anger on the stairs, and quickly ran over to stop him between "the two fathers and sons".

Seeing the bright red slap print on Qin Junhong's face, Qin Manwen's heart jumped twice, tentatively holding Zhu Shoushan's arm, "Shoushan, what's wrong? Is there anything I can't say?"

Zhu Shoushan said: "You ask what good thing your son has done?!"

Qin Manwen looked at Qin Junhong again.

Qin Junhong was resentful when he slapped him, and his tone was not very good, "I just found someone I know in Tongtong's school to take care of him."

Qin Manwen was stunned for a moment.

Looking for someone to take care of Zhu Tong?

Although Zhu Shoushan has always forbidden their mother and son to intervene in Zhu Tong's transfer, but such a trivial matter will not cause such a big temper, right?

She was about to persuade her, but Zhu Shoushan sneered: "Take care? You take good care of you. Find someone with a bad character who is riddled with gambling debts to go to school to take care of Tongtong! You even brought the matter to the old man, you..."

He said that he was about to start again, but Qin Manwen stopped him without a trace, and hurriedly reprimanded: "Junhong, what's going on?"

Gambling debt? Also of inferior character!

Looking for such a person to take care of Zhu Tong?

How could her son do such a stupid thing?

Qin Junhong felt a buzzing sound in his head when he heard "gambling debts".

How did Zhu Shou Shan know about Zhou Sui's family situation?

How did he know so soon?

He said that he still made trouble in front of the old man?

old man...

Thinking of the man who had only met once, and who was dignified and dignified despite being old, Qin Junhong suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

How could he forget Mr. Cheng?

But didn't Cheng Qingsong ignore the two brothers and sisters Zhu Tong for so many years?

Although he helped arrange Zhu Tong's transfer, when did he become so concerned about Zhu Tong's affairs?

Qin Junhong was terrified, but also responded quickly: "What is gambling debt? What is low character? Uncle Zhu, what are you talking about? The person I am looking for is Tongtong's school basketball team. I met him on the basketball court. Nice people..."

"You're a nice person?" Zhu Shoushan was so angry that his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, he suddenly opened his briefcase and took out a stack of photos, which he slammed into Qin Junhong's face, "That's what you said about a nice person, Take a good look at yourself!"

A stack of photos slammed into Qin Junhong's face with a "pop", then slipped off his face and scattered on the ground.

Qin Manwen lowered his head, and his face turned pale instantly.

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