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Zhu Tong was born with a weak physique, but his poor health does not mean that he is abnormal in some aspects, but he has never been guided by anyone. He is tortured by illness and does not have the same energy as his peers to learn more.

There have been a few reactions, and he didn't care.

In his junior high school biology class, he had heard some boys talk about physiology in his ears. Because he didn't have the same experience, he couldn't get any interest. Things are very repulsive and disgusting.

So when he found something strange, Zhu Tong's first reaction was to rush to the bathroom.

After entering, do nothing, leaning against the cold wall and waiting for yourself to calm down.

Should calm down soon.

But it's also really cold.

The weather is already winter, and even if the air conditioner is turned on in the room, the tiled walls of the bathroom are still bone-chillingly cold.

Zhu Tong leaned on him for a while, and was so cold that he straightened his body again, and after a while, leaned back again, repeated several times, and finally calmed down.

He breathed a sigh of relief and began to wash.

After washing up and going out, I bumped into someone who was waiting outside the door at an unknown time at the door of the bathroom.

Zhu Tong's face was hot, and he felt that the temperature that had just faded was about to rise again, "You... why are you here?"

Shao Ming held the blanket in his hand, looked at his long blue pajamas, which were large and thin, and frowned, he opened the blanket and wrapped the whole person, "It's so cold, I'm running in such a little clothes. come out?"


The cold body was suddenly wrapped in a warm blanket, indescribably comfortable.

Zhu Tong rubbed the smooth and soft blanket and raised his head blankly.

So Shao Ming waited outside the bathroom because he was afraid that he would catch a cold by wearing too little?

Zhu Tong not only warmed his body, but also felt warm in his heart. His tense body relaxed, "It's okay, it's not that easy to catch a cold."

But Shao Ming didn't let his mind down. He lifted the bangs that blocked the corner of Zhu Tong's eyes and asked, "Is there any discomfort in your body these few days?"

Zhu Tong blinked blankly: "Why do you ask that?"

Shao Ming said: "It seems that you have been in there for a long time."


Isn't Shao Ming in the kitchen when he washes up? How did you know he took a little longer?

Why is it taking so long?

Zhu Tong blushed and said a little guilty: "The body is not uncomfortable, the time is long... Because the weather is cold, it takes time for the water heater to heat up."

Shao Ming: "…"

He looked strange for a moment.

In winter, the heating of the water heater is indeed slower than other times, but Zhu Tong goes to the bathroom behind him almost every time. The water heater he has used does not need to be reheated.

Shao Ming couldn't help but be a little worried, and suddenly saw the red ears of the person in front of him.


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