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On the plane, Zhu Tong told Shao Ming a lot about Zhu Shou Shan. He used Zhu Shou Shan as a marriage tool. Zhu Tong actually didn't have much resentment. Although he was angry at the time, he soon relieved himself.

He felt that there was a reason why things had turned out this way.

For a decision he made when he was a child, he stubbornly refused to accept the help of his grandfather. He didn't realize in time that he had become a burden to his father, a burden that could not be thrown away.

If he hadn't rejected his grandfather, their lives would have been completely different. Even if he still couldn't survive, Xiao Xin wouldn't have had the tragic experience that happened later.

On the plane, Shao Ming just listened quietly, and tightened his hand unconsciously.

After getting off the plane, the two were sent back to Cheng's house by the person arranged by their grandfather to pick up the plane.

The car entered through the silver iron gate, bypassed a well-designed garden, and finally reached the gate of the villa.

A maid opened the door and shouted respectfully, "Master."

Zhu Tong: "…"

This is also an aspect that makes Zhu Tong awkward.

He froze for a moment, sighed and asked, "Is Xiao Xin back?"

The maid said, "Miss Xin still has art training in her school. She will be back in a few days."


Zhu Tong felt that since his transfer, Xiao Xin seemed to have become busy, and even had fewer holidays.

He looked at Shao Ming again and said, "Then we will go to her school to find her later."

Shao Ming smiled and nodded: "Okay."

The maid then turned her attention to the person beside Zhu Tong, who was surprised that the young master would bring a friend back.

Aware of her gaze, Shao Ming smiled back.

Zhu Tong tilted his head and glanced, feeling that Shao Ming became a little different after getting out of the car.

He had the same smile on his face as usual, but he didn't have the usual inconspicuousness, showing a bit of deliberate seriousness.

Are you still nervous?

Zhu Tong smiled and pulled him: "Let's go."

In fact, he was also a little nervous, but someone was more nervous than him, so he felt a sense of responsibility, and didn't want Shao Ming to feel uncomfortable at all.

The two walked into the villa hand in hand, and the maid at the door couldn't hide their surprise.

Doesn't Master Tong like to be in contact with others?

When they came to work here, the first notice given by the housekeeper was that they must keep a distance of more than one meter from Young Master Tong at any time, and they must not approach without the permission of Young Master.

What kind of person did the young master bring back this time?

In the villa, Mr. Cheng did not have the living room on the first floor. The housekeeper said that he was holding a video conference upstairs and could come down later.

Zhu Tong also understands that when the New Year is approaching and various companies are busy, it is not easy for my grandfather to take time to come back.

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